I have a strange picture of my shadow behind the gates of Neverland.


Proud Member
Aug 29, 2024
Hello everyone,

I'm Lionel from Swiss.


Like you, I've been a fan since my childhood.

I was 11 years old when I was amazed by MJ's robot dance moves behind my TV, it started like that, then his rhythm and his voice made me a fan of imitating him.

I'm 35 now and nothing has changed, everything has progressed over time.

Mj is the music that has followed me all my life, I have always been the man who danced to honor it to set the mood every time at a party etc.

Thread history:

It was a dream to go to the USA
1st time for 3 weeksn from the 2nd day I went to Los Olivos to go to Neverland.

The weather was cloudy in Santa Barbara but as soon as we climbed into the mountains to reach Los Olivos, the clouds remained stuck in the mountain ranges and the weather was totally magnificent after 50 minutes of driving.
music on the road, emotions.
arrived there, the silence then the sounds of birds, the colors of the landscape in May are incredible, the flowers, the squirrels, the peace on site was palpable.
I understood even better his choice to have lived here.

To simplify, my darling filmed me and took a few photos when I arrived.
I had my emotions, I collected myself then I spoke to the friendly guard for 30 minutes, I handed over a flat stone with a note, 9500KM for you Mj could be read on it, then 1h30 later I left.

a few weeks later, recently, while looking back at my photos I realized that my shadow was weird.

I look at other photos and see this mark on the ground, surely a remaining water stain that makes my shadow somewhat mysterious.

I wanted to share this photo with you and other photos from this unforgettable day for me.

I have been on these steps in Los Angeles and Las Vegas as well.
I went to Regis gallery and took a video of the same route as during the bashir rat.

I knew MJ had his own private room out back when he came and at the back of the store I could see some photos.

I have few pictures, between/after that i could share soon.

We miss him.
Happy birthday Michael.
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