I have a film reel copy of the TII trailer.....What should I do with it? Haha.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
As the title says, I work in a cinema, so I have a film-reel copy of the whole TII trailer that I managed to get hold of :) However I have no idea what to do with it, so It's just sitting in reel-form in my room. Do any of you have any ideas? lol.

Other TII things I got from work include the poster and the huge cardboard standee :) Plus I have a piece of film image from the actual film itself (MJ singing Thriller) that I'm also keeping safe, lol.
Lucky you!!! I'm guessing that will be worth quite a lot? But hey, it's yours! :D
I'll buy it!
How much? :D

Seriously though. Keep it. It will be worth a bucket load in years to come! Safe place don't leave it exposed to the elements or dust..

Lucky :p
Make prints of every single frame and put them all around your flat ;)
Are you allowed to take this stuff? When I asked about what happened to the posters at the cinema I went to, I was told that everything like that gets sent back as they would be valuable in this case.
Are you allowed to take this stuff? When I asked about what happened to the posters at the cinema I went to, I was told that everything like that gets sent back as they would be valuable in this case.
I just got given it. I think it depends on the cinema chain or something, because often a film company will ask for the promo to be sent back. Ah well.

I think I will end up keeping it. Maybe I'll let it gather dut and one day when I'm old and rich ill buy an old film projector (seeing as it will all be digital by then) and watch it :)
it will be worth a lot if people are saying 'oh it's not worth anything, i won't bother looking after it' lol that way there wont be many in mint condition in years to come. that's the point lol