i have 2 people on facebook who is mean to me calling namces i need help


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i have two people on facebook they call me names & telling me that get over myself that MJ is dead :yes: :cry:
they'll not leave me alot they both ask me to be there friend i say no so they're being so mean at me cause of that :(

please help me

here are the two people names are:TheRight Person,Rui Vieira they're both so mean sending me mean message & telling me to fuck off :yes: :yes:

please help me :pray:
So? Just block them, and report them for harassing you. No need for you to let them get to you :hug:
Yep, just block them that way they won't be able to contact you, see what you do/say/type on facebook. You effectively become 'invisible' to them and they can't even search you!
Click on their profiles, or just look them up- there's a "report this person" button. Or simply block them entirely by going into "Account" (right hand corner), click on "Privacy Settings" and then you see the "edit your block lists" or something like that. Block them. They won't see you anymore and you won't see them.

No need to be dealing with anybody you don't want to be dealing with.
i did that but they still come in & send me mean message too me :(

When you only "report this person", you haven't blocked them yet.

You need to block someone in order for them to become "invisible".

You can also adjust who can send you messages. I am assuming they are no longer on your friends list. After that, you can adjust your preferences in regards to who can send you messages as well.
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Click on their profiles, or just look them up- there's a "report this person" button. Or simply block them entirely by going into "Account" (right hand corner), click on "Privacy Settings" and then you see the "edit your block lists" or something like that. Block them. They won't see you anymore and you won't see them.

No need to be dealing with anybody you don't want to be dealing with.

o.k i try that thanks for your help

this why i don't try people in places cause they're so mean for no reason
o.k i try that thanks for your help

this why i don't try people in places cause they're so mean for no reason

Like others have suggested, report/block them. Do both, because they should be punished for what they've done, but at the same time you do not want to sink to their despicable level by telling them off. At least not to their face, on facebook. You want to remain in as good standing with the authorities there as you can, so that they will favour you over those f***ers.

In any case, don't let a few bad experiences with scummy, undeserving filth like these discourage you from trying people. There are plenty, ok, I won't lie to you...there are --some-- people who truly are worth your time and you shouldn't deprive yourself from interacting with them because a few imbeciles gave you a hard time.

Instead, pity those poor, miserable, pathetic, and unworthy souls, and continue doing what you love. =)
Like others have suggested, report/block them. Do both, because they should be punished for what they've done, but at the same time you do not want to sink to their despicable level by telling them off. At least not to their face, on facebook. You want to remain in as good standing with the authorities there as you can, so that they will favour you over those f***ers.

In any case, don't let a few bad experiences with scummy, undeserving filth like these discourage you from trying people. There are plenty, ok, I won't lie to you...there are --some-- people who truly are worth your time and you shouldn't deprive yourself from interacting with them because a few imbeciles gave you a hard time.

Instead, pity those poor, miserable, pathetic, and unworthy souls, and continue doing what you love. =)

thanks that's true :eek::doh:

i thank i did it cause they're not there anymore yeah :clapping:thanks for all your guys help :cheers:
I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that rockstar, it does seem like some horrible people use the internet to harass people which is a shame. One thing I took on board though, when my boyfriend experienced harassment was something he said; "At the end of the day who really wins?" And it's true in your case; you're the winner :)
I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that rockstar, it does seem like some horrible people use the internet to harass people which is a shame. One thing I took on board though, when my boyfriend experienced harassment was something he said; "At the end of the day who really wins?" And it's true in your case; you're the winner :)

:yes: it's horrible for people to do this to me i have this problem last year :yes: :(

:yes: i'm true winner :cheers: