I HATE my school


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yeah I really do, & for valid reasons to, which happened today:

Frist on the bus, a friend of mines who goes to school with me wanted to listen to the songs on my ipod with me, so I let her. We listened to some songs together & she had full control of my ipod & she changed the song to ITC. Then she comes out of nowhere saying "Michael looked mad f_cked up in that video." then I instantly reacted & said "WTF? No he didn't! He looked gorgeous in that video!" she ignored me & after awhile she still has control of the ipod & she changed the song to DSTYGE then she makes another negative remark towards Michael saying "He sounds like a retard in the begginning of this song." Then I replied "No he doesn't at all. Sydney[that's her name] what the hell have you been smoking today?"(& I didnt mean that as a joke either.) Then as we were walking along to school she starts talking about some "hot looking" boys at her afterschool program & I told her "If they don't look like Michael then their not 'sexy'". Then she shouted out "F_ck Michael Jackson" I looked at her like she was crazy & said "Excuse me?, um apologize." she aplogized but I still felt highly offended by that comment. We got into school we parted to our lockers & this other friend of mine who was standing near by my locker asked me "What are you listening to?" without me even saying a word she takes one earphone out of my ear & listened to what I was listening to. She bursted out laughing out of nowhere & shouted out "BRITTANY'S LISTENING TO MAN IN THE MIRROR BY MICHAEL JACKSON!" & everyone just started looking at me. I ignored it & contiued getting my stuff out of my locker getting ready for class to begin. That same frind comes back about a mintues later, asking me what I am listening to again. I didn't answer so she just pulled the earphone out of my left ear & I was listening to Dirty Diana. Then she asked "You love that ugly n_gga Michael?" & I replied "He's not ugly." she replied "Yes! Looking like a ghost with his bleached skin." & I shaked my head & said "He did not bleach his skin." & she said "Yes he did." & we kept going back & forth about it until she got really pissed & just left me alone.

Point about making this post is that, why doesn't anyone have respect for Michael anymore? Or appericate his music? People are talking about how "Young people are into Michael now." Honestly, I live in NYC & I've haven't met a YOUNG Michael fan here & i go to an all girl Catholic school in midtown. Also, I can't seem to make real geniuwine friends in any school I go to. I'm starting to think theirs something wrong with me or my personality. I need some advice & help. :(
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Aww, I'm so sorry you're experiencing that. People can be ignorant and mean.

You sound like a really sweet person - I'm sure there's not something wrong with you or your personality!
Wow, people are freaking mean. First of all, there is definitely nothing wrong with you...school is an extremely hard stage of life for everyone...but particularly if you are a genuine person looking for loyal friends. Honestly, if you can find one true friend in school..then that is all you need. :) Most of those people who look like they have 1,000 friends just have a bunch of casual acquaintances to talk to...it doesn't mean they're close friends or that they hang out outside of school. Usually they're just so insecure to be by themselves that they'll just latch onto anyone who is around so they won't look like a loner...even though they are probably feeling just as upset as you were today.

Those kids who were insensitive enough to repeatedly make fun of the music you were listening to when they KNOW it hurts your feelings aren't even worth your time. Seriously. Screw 'em. If they can't do anything but make a quick judgment and call Michael racist names, then they are clearly operating at a low level of intelligence. They are just part of the "herd"...don't worry, they will get their own when they get out into the real world and realize that being fake gets you nowhere.

The best thing to do is to stick up for the things you like and just don't give a damn about what other people think. You will get more respect from your peers acting the way that you did than if you were to just go along with their stupidity.

Please please please don't change...there are too many fake people in the world...you sound like a wicked sweet & smart girl. We need more of those in today's society if anything is going to get better in this world

PM me if you ever need someone to talk to...I know how hard school can be...I'm in college and have been through all the tough middle/high school years with the mean kids. Keep your head up...it always gets better than you think ;)

Abbey :hug:
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It's your so called friends. High schooler need to act more grown up and respect what you listen too. My friends respect me that I am a Michael jackson fan as long as a don't annoy them about him
First, I'm sorry this upset you and let me tell you, rise above it. Whatever the issue would have been in this type of story, Michael related or not I would tell you the same.

As MJ fans it can be hard at times. This girl obviously doesn't know much about Michael. For example we have seen the photos of the vitiligo, doctors statements have proven it, independent people who happened to see MJs vitiligo have commented on it, and his autopsy confirmed it. Perhaps this girl just doesn't know about vitiligo and so is skeptical about the whole thing...well I have seen extreme cases so I can say it can happen.

why doesn't anyone have respect for Michael anymore? Or appericate his music? People are talking about how "Young people are into Michael now."

They do. Some don't, but some do, its probably like this in every generation. I have seen many cases of young people who LOVE Michael.. that is the word they use - love. If you look at this group on facebook.. down the whole comments list it is mostly teenagers commenting very positively about the film, and Michael:

Anyway don't let things like this get you down. There is lots of love out there for MJ. People often forget all the positive and focus on the one or two negative critical things. I have been guilty of that too, but now I'm changing. Why make ourselves feel down.. life is too short to get caught up in that, ignore it.
I wish we didn't live in different states, I need a friend that I can talk to about Mike besides my dad. And that girl only wants to get on your nerves, thank god I haven't ran into that yet.
well I dont think that this girl is a true friend...a true friend would never make fun of someone that you think is special...no matter who that special person is....also this friend also sounds a little immature....It is just sad that as Michael Jackson fans that we must put up with this kind of ridicule...however it is worth it in the end.....Maybe your friend as you call her needs time away to reflect what a true friendship is all about......people can be friends and still like different things...maybe someone needs to remind her of this....I am sorry she was so mean to you and made you feel bad....high school can be very difficult at times..but...you will be ok...:hug:..you will come out a stronger person for putting up with the crap that people dish out
Oh Brittany :( I'm so sorry you had to go through that! Sounds like they have some serious problems if they treat their friends like that. Makes me upset just reading that. You don't deserve it at all babe. The problem is people are very ignorant and I blame the media more than anyone else. Nonetheless just keep ignoring them. Don't react! That is most important. I know it feels like torture but all they are looking for is a reaction. If you literally say or do nothing they will get bored and stop. And I'm not saying you can't defend Michael! I'm just saying some people are just too blind and stubborn to see the truth. Not everyone is this stubborn or blind, but there are some people out there who just refuse to open their eyes. I don't think any amount of defending Michael to her will help matters.. It'll only get you more frustrated that her opinion isn't shifting. Let her come and apologise to you. If she wants to keep your friendship she needs to start showing you some respect and kindness.

Hope you're okay

Love to you
You Are Not Alone

How ignorant people can be. They don't know any better. They haven't embraced Michael like we've had, Michael taught us his fans all about Love. We're not the ones to be ashamed, those narrow minded people are. Its a pity really that they can't find it in their heart to express love, instead they have to be vicious.
Yeah I really do, & for valid reasons to, which happened today:

Frist on the bus, a friend of mines who goes to school with me wanted to listen to the songs on my ipod with me, so I let her. We listened to some songs together & she had full control of my ipod & she changed the song to ITC. Then she comes out of nowhere saying "Michael looked mad f_cked up in that video." then I instantly reacted & said "WTF? No he didn't! He looked gorgeous in that video!" she ignored me & after awhile she still has control of the ipod & she changed the song to DSTYGE then she makes another negative remark towards Michael saying "He sounds like a retard in the begginning of this song." Then I replied "No he doesn't at all. Sydney[that's her name] what the hell have you been smoking today?"(& I didnt mean that as a joke either.) Then as we were walking along to school she starts talking about some "hot looking" boys at her afterschool program & I told her "If they don't look like Michael then their not 'sexy'". Then she shouted out "F_ck Michael Jackson" I looked at her like she was crazy & said "Excuse me?, um apologize." she aplogized but I still felt highly offended by that comment. We got into school we parted to our lockers & this other friend of mine who was standing near by my locker asked me "What are you listening to?" without me even saying a word she takes one earphone out of my ear & listened to what I was listening to. She bursted out laughing out of nowhere & shouted out "BRITTANY'S LISTENING TO MAN IN THE MIRROR BY MICHAEL JACKSON!" & everyone just started looking at me. I ignored it & contiued getting my stuff out of my locker getting ready for class to begin. That same frind comes back about a mintues later, asking me what I am listening to again. I didn't answer so she just pulled the earphone out of my left ear & I was listening to Dirty Diana. Then she asked "You love that ugly n_gga Michael?" & I replied "He's not ugly." she replied "Yes! Looking like a ghost with his bleached skin." & I shaked my head & said "He did not bleach his skin." & she said "Yes he did." & we kept going back & forth about it until she got really pissed & just left me alone.

Point about making this post is that, why doesn't anyone have respect for Michael anymore? Or appericate his music? People are talking about how "Young people are into Michael now." Honestly, I live in NYC & I've haven't met a YOUNG Michael fan here & i go to an all girl Catholic school in midtown. Also, I can't seem to make real geniuwine friends in any school I go to. I'm starting to think theirs something wrong with me or my personality. I need some advice & help. :(

that's why you are here. you have to have a mind of your own to be a Michael Jackson fan. you have to have the mind of a programmed cult member(member of the society of people controlled by radio programmers) to not be a Michael Jackson fan. and i'm serious. but here, on this site, is the place where MJ fans can congregate, and comfort one another.
Have you tried asking this person why she's so fascinated with you, asking you what you are listening to every five minutes & touching your stuff without your permission?

She doesn't sound like a friend. I think you should try to make some other friends, people who aren't so aggressive.
Well, just want to say thanks to everyone who posted on this thread. You all made me feel alittle better about the situation & made me think if these girls I hang out with are really my freinds. Since these incidents took place, noone's bothered me about what I'm listening to & whatnot. I'll post up if anything's happened. Though the fact remains that, now I feel like such a outcast in my school. I don't want to give up my "friends" because I'm really tired of not having anyone to talk to. Even though they obviously can't respect the music that I like, I still want to keep them as a friend, just so I can aviod drama & whatnot. Can anyone tell me, is this the right thing to do? or I should just leave them alone? :(
that's why you are here. you have to have a mind of your own to be a Michael Jackson fan. you have to have the mind of a programmed cult member(member of the society of people controlled by radio programmers) to not be a Michael Jackson fan. and i'm serious. but here, on this site, is the place where MJ fans can congregate, and comfort one another.

Yeah, & I love it here. The thing is that I want freinds on the physcial too, not just internet wise. I want to have friends off the internet who love Michael too. :(
I think you could take a break from them & try to make some other friends, people who don't try to control you. Maybe you could join a club at school and make some friends that way.

Well, just want to say thanks to everyone who posted on this thread. You all made me feel alittle better about the situation & made me think if these girls I hang out with are really my freinds. Since these incidents took place, noone's bothered me about what I'm listening to & whatnot. I'll post up if anything's happened. Though the fact remains that, now I feel like such a outcast in my school. I don't want to give up my "friends" because I'm really tired of not having anyone to talk to. Even though they obviously can't respect the music that I like, I still want to keep them as a friend, just so I can aviod drama & whatnot. Can anyone tell me, is this the right thing to do? or I should just leave them alone? :(
:bugeyed She dropped the "n" word?

But I agree with someone else, they should keep their hands off your stuff so often or respect you when using it!
Remember that you have MJJC :)
Have you tried asking this person why she's so fascinated with you, asking you what you are listening to every five minutes & touching your stuff without your permission?

She doesn't sound like a friend. I think you should try to make some other friends, people who aren't so aggressive.
Same here, may she has some interest, ugh.. sorry but she seems weird like, weird:bugeyed.

she seems obsessed with you:bugeyed, i would run out of her seriously ahaha no, seriously be yourself, you dont have to explain anything to nodody unless that one is really someone who is worth it, next time ignore her or ask what she is so keen on you, estate on your head NOW that you dont need anyone's aproval, be yourself, thats the only thing that matters, you dont have to go here and ther pleasing anyone, she thinks he's a ugly ok then, who cares???, the only thing that cares is you and yourself and what you like, this is how the world is. if you are an MJ fan you should know Michael was no chicken, he was a rebel on his way, he didnt need to go with the flow thas clear, thats why he was Michael Jackson, you should imitate that part but beeing your true self, i see you are brave, so keep on with the FORCE as Michael would say, dont give up on nothing, and this does not only goes on MJ matters goes on every level of your life, you are yourself so be yourself, BE, BELIEVE IN YOU, what you do is RIGHT , you are enjoying life and not hurting anyone, be a rebel without hurting the others, that a true rebel, that my advice.
Sometimes when people see you strong they try to hurt cause they see you as competence, thats good for you

wow, i wrote a lot, is just that i hate stupidity:smilerolleyes:
I love what you posted here! :) "... I hatenstupidity" lol, got to agree with you on that :clapping: :yes:

Same here, may she has some interest, ugh.. sorry but she seems weird like, weird:bugeyed.

she seems obsessed with you:bugeyed, i would run out of her seriously ahaha no, seriously be yourself, you dont have to explain anything to nodody unless that one is really someone who is worth it, next time ignore her or ask what she is so keen on you, estate on your head NOW that you dont need anyone's aproval, be yourself, thats the only thing that matters, you dont have to go here and ther pleasing anyone, she thinks he's a ugly ok then, who cares???, the only thing that cares is you and yourself and what you like, this is how the world is. if you are an MJ fan you should know Michael was no chicken, he was a rebel on his way, he didnt need to go with the flow thas clear, thats why he was Michael Jackson, you should imitate that part but beeing your true self, i see you are brave, so keep on with the FORCE as Michael would say, dont give up on nothing, and this does not only goes on MJ matters goes on every level of your life, you are yourself so be yourself, BE, BELIEVE IN YOU, what you do is RIGHT , you are enjoying life and not hurting anyone, be a rebel without hurting the others, that a true rebel, that my advice.
Sometimes when people see you strong they try to hurt cause they see you as competence, thats good for you

wow, i wrote a lot, is just that i hate stupidity:smilerolleyes:
Yeah, & I love it here. The thing is that I want freinds on the physcial too, not just internet wise. I want to have friends off the internet who love Michael too. :(

yeah...i know..it's strange that there are so many MJ fans, yet it seems like, in the physical, they are nowhere to be found..

but there have been meet ups, listed on these sites in the past, before June 25...and fans would do gatherings...and now...albeit, sadly, the events of June 25, and the release of This Is It, could be a bittersweet way to meet MJ fans in the physical..by going and seeing the movie..
Not all of your friends will be MJ fans, like his music, or even respect him. Everyone has different opinions. However, this Sydney person does NOT appear to be a true friend, because regardless of what her opinions of MJ are, she has no right to constantly make those comments to you if she knows that they would strongly offend you. Trying to "embarass" you in public for listening to MJ, making hateful comments, etc... that's not what a friend does! I have had friends who have made one or two MJ jokes which I have chosen to ignore (because they weren't close enough friends for me to bother getting in arguments with them anyway), but what your friend did is just extreme!
First of all, there will always be people out there who do not like Michael.....and that's just something you're going to have to accept. Nobody is obligated to understand you. You know you're reasons for loving MJ. They don't have to. (Yes, it took me a while to accept too, because i just couldn't grasp how people could have such bad taste in music lol.) BUT, they should respect the fact that you like him...and if they are intentionally saying these things because they know it will make you mad, then that's just wrong and childish on their part. Nobody should feel the need to knock another person down. Real friends don't do that. If somebody at school happens to say something bad about MJ to you, then just reply with, "Well that's your dumb opinion :hysterical:" and just walk away
OP, I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this bullsh*t. I went to an all-girls private high school too, but fortunately, I was mostly surrounded by friends and students who either liked MJ & his music, only liked his music or weren't a fan of his music, but respected his musical achievements nonetheless. I would be lying if I said that I didn't encounter a few people here and their who cracked a joke or two about MJ, but overall, my high school appeared to be positive when it came to MJ. Some of my fond high school memories are when my school would blast some MJ songs during lunch here and there during the school year. Fortunately, the majority of my friends in high school liked MJ and/or his music, but I also had friends who didn't. The thing is, the ones who didn't never gave me a hard time about it. They respected my music taste. This is what your friends should be doing to you. They shouldn't bash you, embarrass you, make you feel bad for being a fan of someone that they just don't happen to like. That is completely disrespectful and THAT is not being a good friend. Yes, not everyone in the world that you meet or become friends with are going to be MJ fans. They'll either love him, like him, or hate him. That's just how life is. But NO ONE should make you feel bad for loving something/someone that they don't. That's just wrong. It's a shame your friends can't break through their IGNORANCE and see why you, and so many other people, love Michael's music. They're seriously missing out. But that's their loss, not yours.

Again, sorry to hear about the sh*t you're going through. High school can be a b*tch. You can PM me if you want if you want advice/someone to talk to. :)
People can be like that.......

Its just something you have to put up with. Its worth it being an MJ fan though huh? I certainly think so.

I think all of us have been through something like this at least once, am I right?

You are not alone :)
:bugeyed She dropped the "n" word?

But I agree with someone else, they should keep their hands off your stuff so often or respect you when using it!
Remember that you have MJJC :)

Yeah she did drop the "n" word. Not to sound racist or anything but, the black girls in my school say that word like it means nothing really.

Kay, I'll always remember that. :)
OP, I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this bullsh*t. I went to an all-girls private high school too, but fortunately, I was mostly surrounded by friends and students who either liked MJ & his music, only liked his music or weren't a fan of his music, but respected his musical achievements nonetheless. I would be lying if I said that I didn't encounter a few people here and their who cracked a joke or two about MJ, but overall, my high school appeared to be positive when it came to MJ. Some of my fond high school memories are when my school would blast some MJ songs during lunch here and there during the school year. Fortunately, the majority of my friends in high school liked MJ and/or his music, but I also had friends who didn't. The thing is, the ones who didn't never gave me a hard time about it. They respected my music taste. This is what your friends should be doing to you. They shouldn't bash you, embarrass you, make you feel bad for being a fan of someone that they just don't happen to like. That is completely disrespectful and THAT is not being a good friend. Yes, not everyone in the world that you meet or become friends with are going to be MJ fans. They'll either love him, like him, or hate him. That's just how life is. But NO ONE should make you feel bad for loving something/someone that they don't. That's just wrong. It's a shame your friends can't break through their IGNORANCE and see why you, and so many other people, love Michael's music. They're seriously missing out. But that's their loss, not yours.

Again, sorry to hear about the sh*t you're going through. High school can be a b*tch. You can PM me if you want if you want advice/someone to talk to. :)

oh, nice. Wish my school was like that. :)
I wish I could shout at them :s
People are so hateful and ignorant today... I hate it...it makes me sad :[
Dang...well about 4-5 years ago, i was in 10th grade. this is the time of the allegations. The worst time for Michael and Michael fans. People in my school were soo mean that I really did bad that year in my school work. My family thought it was because of Michael, but Michael was the only thing that made me sane. Listening to his Music was one of the ways I was able to relax.

In school they used to say such mean things that I dont really wanna repeat it. But some of the things they said was how he was "guilty" and about his change in appearance... and so on...

I was miserable but got through it by praying and IGNoring the ppl. that ruined my life at school.

In 2007(my senior year), I danced to "Dangerous 1995" and While dancing I heard from far away in the audience one person shouted out "Pedo****" and i didnt feel it until I finished it with the performance and it was 2005 all over again.

Well, hun, my advice to you is Just Ignore them...dont give them a second glance...they want a reaction from you and If you give it to them, they'll continue...unfortunately, they are immature...so be strong!
