I had a MJ moment today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Back in the good ol' 757 VA BABY!
Today I was at the mall with my friend and i was sitting on a bench outside of the store. I was on twitter spazzing and crying because I have been so stressed and upset lately. Just venting my frustrations about my life and career and how i was tired of people messing with me and running over me. So out of no where...i hear "yeah! make that change...man in the mirror" and michael singing "you got to start with yourself..." pretty much the end of Man In The Mirror...i honestly thought i was going crazy because 1] i had no idea where the song was playing (the heard other music playing as well and MITM wasn't loud but loud enough) 2) I didn't hear the beginning of the song! and 3)i've been hearing MJ's music every where pretty much..but never MITM and def not that song in a mall lol

the whole thing was kinda weird to be honest..i guess MJ was sending me a message? who knows lol