I got my ipod stolen today help


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i got my ipod stolen today in LA on the subway do anyone know what can i do to get it back can i call apple and tell them i still have worenty on it
Aww, I'm sorry. :( :hug:

Not sure if apple can do anything to help? But I would go to the police to report it stolen.
I know when my car was broken into - I could claim what was lost on my house insurance.. if you have home/apt insurance that might hel... but I am not sure
Sadly there isn't much you can do unless you have contents insurance. But definitely ring the police and report it stolen, that way you can get a crime number. My friend got his IPod stolen when he was at the gym and that's what he did.
i got my ipod stolen today in LA on the subway do anyone know what can i do to get it back can i call apple and tell them i still have worenty on it
that sucks. i remember i got my nano stolen years ago in school so i stole someone elses. it was immature i know but it sure made me feel alot better lol

back to you, i don't think there is much you can do but buy a new one :(
I'm so sorry to hear that!

Definitely report it as stolen, but I don't think there is much you can do unless you have content insurance?
Sorry to hear that :( I hope it works out for you.

that sucks. i remember i got my nano stolen years ago in school so i stole someone elses. it was immature i know but it sure made me feel alot better lol
