I Get My GCSE Results On Thursday

Yeh im getting mine too
Im getting nervous now though :S
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Don't worry you'll do fine !
I got my AS results last thursday, I thought that I had done really badly but it was ok.
Took me alot of courage to open them though.
What are you planning on doing next then, are you going to college?
Good luck both of you! And everyone else expecting them. You'll be fine, when I got mine everyone did loads better than they thought they would.
Don't worry you'll do fine !
I got my AS results last thursday, I thought that I had done really badly but it was ok.
Took me alot of courage to open them though.
What are you planning on doing next then, are you going to college?

Yeah, i'm off to college after. Then i hope to go to university :)
i got my a levels last thursday :) 5 A's and im off to med school :D so so relieved. good luck with ur GCSEs im sure uve done well xxxxx
Good luck everyone, don't worry you'll be fine. hope you all get the results you're after.

20 years since I got mine - we were the first year to take them after it changed from O Levels.
I'm getting mine too. Worried thought because I think my teacher lost all my science work!
for anyone getting their results tomorrow in here
youll be absloutly fine
i was a nervous reck too,
i got mine last year i could sleep for weeks before the day
i rember waking up dead early day before and going down with a mate to school
shaking with nervoes and seeing people come the other way with their results in their hands and year book going to enroll on in college down the road,
we got there "am not going to look i cant"
that went out the widow i picked my year book up and my results and glanced
and see 3A 4B 2C on the paper and screamed with joy then cried
then everyones asking everyone what they got and taking piccys and stuff its great
and then youll get someone you hate go "oh what did you get" and you tell them and you've done better than them their face is priceless for once you get to piss on their parade
its one of the nervous things to experience but once you get them
youll be like :D

good luck youll all be fine youll be quite surprised at how well you do xxx
My results are:

Maths: C (Phew, thought I was getting a D)
English: C
English Lit: C
Science: C
Prep. for working life (or whatever it is): Level 2 (That's a C I think)
Business Studies: Still not got the results

So yeah, mostly C's apart from 1 B and Business which I don't know yet. No A's but I got the grades I want and need so I'm happy :D

Oh, BTW. When you get the results slip, there's a little blue or red spot in the corner. Cover it with your thumb, it disappears LOL.
My results are...

English - C
English Lit - C
Maths - C
Science - B
Art - C
Food Tech - D (lol)
Media Studies - B
ICT Module 1 - B
ICT Module 2 - B

No A's but i'm ok with that, only 1 D but i don't mind. Overall i'm happy and i'll be off to college :)
Well done you lot! You've got over a major hurdle xxxxxxx

Now work hard at those AS and A Levels thats whats important to get you to university. :D
Well done :)

If anyone reading this didn't get what they want, get your school to apply for a re-mark now - I only say this as I do work at a major exam board and your mark often goes up if this happens I see it a lot, be warned though it can go down too... its the risk you take...
so whats the pass level this year.interms of individual. makes me laugh how they keep lowering them to make it look ike everyone is doing so well. i knew someone doing an A level that passed with 30%. how stupid is that.
so whats the pass level this year.interms of individual. makes me laugh how they keep lowering them to make it look ike everyone is doing so well. i knew someone doing an A level that passed with 30%. how stupid is that.

they don't get a good grade at 30% though.

Personally I feel its sad every year when the students are happy with their results the news always implies it was too easy, bit of an insult to those who worked hard and got good grades. I've seen most of the papers this year and they're not easy IMO.