I Gave Thanks Every Day


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
For the past 26 years I have loved a man called Michael Jackson and even when I was thirteen I always thought of the day when he would no longer be with us. I knew from that time how very special Michael was.

In knowing that, I NEVER took a day with Michael Jackson for granted. NEVER. Especially during the rough times I stayed positive because he was alive and once there is life there is hope. Even when he scared me, angered me, frustrated me, I was always glad for his life.

Today is a really low day for me in terms of the grieving process and I wanted to find something positive. And I have - I gave thanks every day for Michael and never took him for granted.

It is very hard to break a habit of 26 years - saying thank you and a call to keep him safe. I still have to say thank you but just in a different way.

Just wanted to share that.