I fell off a horse and am about to lose my job: Please Pray for me!

J.M. Barrie

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello all

I don't post on here very often, mainly because I don't have the time anymore like I used too but I remmeber almost all of you and still remember all the fun I had at MJ events etc.


Sorry just thought I would start with that:)

Anyway, kind of a long story but I'll shorten it

I went horse back riding on sunday for the first time ever and fell off the horse because the saddle fell off. They didn't secure it tightly enough or it got loose while we were riding. I hit the ground pretty hard and I have a bruise the size of two lemons side to side on my skin and it HURTS and then to top it off after this coming friday I will be JOBLESS and it'll be the first time in 3 years.....:(:(

I am doing everything I can to put in applications so please keep me in your prayers and thoughts as I endure all of this...:angel:
MY grandparents just put their dog to sleep too....molly was so sweet.:no:

I guess I would rather all the bad hit me all at once? aw well.....I can get through this

edit: if you have any job suggestions or can think of places to apply online please let me know either here or via pm...:)
Oh no, I'm sorry that happened to yoU!
Good that you didn't get any more searious injuries..

I hope you'll be better soon and will find a new job! Good luck :flowers:
I hear what you're saying. I can do pretty all right when one thing comes at me, maybe even handle a second, but when three, four, multiple hard situations hit me at once...I'm like "Calgon, take me away!". In other words, it can be just too much.

You have quite a few things now that are difficult to go through; physical pain, emotional sadness over the loss of Molly :(, and worry...you need that new job. You did good by reaching out, though. Asking for prayer is the way to go.

I will definitely pray for you, and thank you for sharing. :) I think you are going to do okay. You have a good outlook.
Oh my, I hope you'll recover soon and are not in too much pain. Luckily you didnt break anything.
I'm so sorry for you about loosing your job, I'll hope you'll find another soon. Maybe you can put up some advertisements up somewhere and literally read every single page of every newspaper you can find, there are often lots of applecations overthere. Maybe you can walk around your town and ask the shops personally if they need any help, christmas is coming so it must be more crowded for the store owners than usually.

I''ll pray for you and good luck with finding a new job, recovering and dealing with the lost of Molly!
hun i have my own horse was it the girth underneath the belly that was loose or the saddle itself
dont be afraid to ride again what sort of horse were u riding as if u dont feel safe with the saddle u can actually ride bare back that means the horse doesnt have its saddle on only its reins it will obviously still need its reins as its unsafe without

did the horse rear up and throw u or did u just fall off due to the saddle being loose only ??

a cob horse can be ridden bare back

a sports horse may well need a saddle on as its a totally different horse

i hope ur injurys get better soon

and everything else too xxxx
Hello all

I don't post on here very often, mainly because I don't have the time anymore like I used too but I remember almost all of you and still remember all the fun I had at MJ events etc.


Sorry just thought I would start with that:)

Anyway, kind of a long story but I'll shorten it

I went horse back riding on sunday for the first time ever and fell off the horse because the saddle fell off. They didn't secure it tightly enough or it got loose while we were riding. I hit the ground pretty hard and I have a bruise the size of two lemons side to side on my skin and it HURTS and then to top it off after this coming friday I will be JOBLESS and it'll be the first time in 3 years.....:(:(

I am doing everything I can to put in applications so please keep me in your prayers and thoughts as I endure all of this...:angel:
MY grandparents just put their dog to sleep too....molly was so sweet.:no:

I guess I would rather all the bad hit me all at once? aw well.....I can get through this


So sad to hear of your injury. Just take it slow and have some tea. God works in mysterious ways. What is meant to be will be. Did you move to New York yet?
I haven't been on here either, I got so caught up in the elections, I spent all my time trying to keep Palin from winning by sending bad vibes...lol anywho now that it over I can dwvote more time here.
Take care though, take a vicoden, they always hlp me with the pain...just don't get hooked.
It horrid when several bad things hit all at once, sometimes it can be very difficult to cope with.
Try to remain positive, I firmly believe when one door closes another one opens. This may be a time to evaluate where you are going with your life, maybe you could do some further training or make a change. Whatever you decide to do I wish you luck, xx
Losing a pet is always difficult, I lost my German Shepard nearly a year ago now, but I still miss him terribly. I hope your bruises soon heal and that you will feel confidant to go riding again. xx