I feel guilty.


Proud Member
Nov 12, 2007
I feel guilty. This morning I woke up, thinking of Michael as usual but I was okay, I didn't feel like crying or anything but now i feel soo guilty. I'm actually trying to make myself cry. In my head I'm thinking "If the one person who gave you strength, the person who you loved more than anything died...how can you be okay in just 5 days?"

I don't know how to feel.
theres no need to feel guilty. Everyone grieves differently, and in different amount of time. You haven't forgot him, your just coming to terms with things. You should be glad that the pain is beginning to fade so you can finally start to celebrate his life and all that he did for you and others x
I just woke up about 1 hour ago...I don't know, maybe it will kick in again and i'll start with the tears.

I wrote two poems yesterday about Michael, called "Dance with my idol" and "Why?"
you've reached the stage of acceptance, its ok, it doesn't mean that you are less feeling or you don't care about him as much, it simply means you've come to terms with reality. Don't feel quilty, feels joyous cos now you are in a place where you can celebrate his life and think about happy memories.
You don't have to feel guilty!
I you loved Michael really much, there is no reason to be!
You can try to make yourself crying, but don't keep it in!
Sometimes you can be very sad and cry, but also fine! It depends on the day!
Feel better soon! :hug:
It's funny how i posted this...and a few hours later i broke down in tears and agony...
Keep the faith you are not alone we are all suffering with many emotions. But we will get through this tough time. Michael is in a better place now where no one can hurt him.
ouch...the sadness is sooo darn painful. It's like a knife to the chest.