I feel alone, scared, lost and weak

Empyrean Dancer

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
After the 25th of June, I feel like I have lost the reason to smile, my life has never been the same. I cry lots of times, especially when I'm alone at night and even during my sleep, because I dream a lot about Michael.

But since yesterday, just when I thought nothing more could crush me, I learned that my dearest grandmother has cancer.

I can't take it. I just can't. Not so soon. Not my sweet grandmother.

We don't know yet how bad is it, and it the treatments will cure it, but right now I'm scared to death and I can't find the strenght to carry on like if it's everything ok. I feel like I've fallen in a big dark cold pit, and that no one can save me.

Sorry all, but I needed to open up my shattered heart.
Aaaw sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear that your grandmother has cancer :( My grandmother too has recently been diagnosed with a tumour, and it's important to get into hospital asap. But she is 91 so we don't know how an operation would affect her.

The sun is still shining though, and things WILL get better I promise. There will always be a gap left in our heart where Michael left us, but they WILL heal eventually.. It will take some time, and we will be left with a huge scar, but things will get bette.r

I wish you well :hug:
Ana...What am i here for,if i can't be there for my friends?
You are not alone dear.You never were and you will never be as long as live.
I am praying really hard for your granny that is so sweet.
Believe me i know what you are feeling so well!You are scared because of granny...i am scaredbecause of my mother.
Please have faith dear.hugs
After the 25th of June, I feel like I have lost the reason to smile, my life has never been the same. I cry lots of times, especially when I'm alone at night and even during my sleep, because I dream a lot about Michael.

But since yesterday, just when I thought nothing more could crush me, I learned that my dearest grandmother has cancer.

I can't take it. I just can't. Not so soon. Not my sweet grandmother.

We don't know yet how bad is it, and it the treatments will cure it, but right now I'm scared to death and I can't find the strenght to carry on like if it's everything ok. I feel like I've fallen in a big dark cold pit, and that no one can save me.

Sorry all, but I needed to open up my shattered heart.

I will pray for your grandmother and for you as well. Just try to hang in there and pray and hope. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
Ana...What am i here for,if i can't be there for my friends?
You are not alone dear.You never were and you will never be as long as live.
I am praying really hard for your granny that is so sweet.
Believe me i know what you are feeling so well!You are scared because of granny...i am scaredbecause of my mother.
Please have faith dear.hugs

My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your mother as well.
Aww :( You're not alone.
Life's a struggle and it can be so horrible sometimes. Try to see the postive, do what you have to do so you don't have any regrets. I'm praying for your gran and I hope she'll pull though. Xxx
Big thanks to you all, and for your words also. My granny will have an appointment on the 17th, I'm hanging on till then!

Maria, I know you are here for me, sweetie. And I'll sure try hard to be with you sometime this Sunday. Let's see if I can escape from the restaurant for a couple of hours. Let's hope it rains that day! :p
You're the best friend in the world, even if we can't be together as much as we wanted. *****

My dad died from cancer in 2005, the doctors didn't know it was so bad so they told us he would live for years but he died a few days after! :( I will pray for you and your grandmother tonight, all the best!!
Ana dear,keep the faith.Your sweet granny will make it.
You,her and your parenta are in my prayers.
Call me ANYTIME you need ok?
love you