I dreamed of Michael last night..


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland
Yeah..I was a bit of an emotional wreck when I went to bed...I had this dream.

'I was walking through some forest...It was really dark and really cold...It was quiet, untill I started hearing loud noises...Like angry shouting....and banging...I remember the noise getting louder...and me being so scared...I fell to the ground, eyes shut tight, covering my ears and I started crying loudly..Suddenly after a while, the noise stopped..I heard someone approach me, but I was still in the same position...I then heard the words 'It's alright'...I opened my eyes..and I saw him..He was wearing a white suit...He held his hand out, like to help me up...I gave my hand to him and he helped me up..He smiled at me...Then I suddenly threw my arms around him, crying....I remember him stroking my hair..and he kept saying 'It's alright..It's okay' to me..Then..It wasen't dark and cold anymore...It was bright and warm...I didn't feel scared anymore..'

Then I woke up...Now, I am one to believe that dreams mean something...The angry shouts and the banging might be a symbol of how I saw the world throughout my years...Hateful and angry...I've always been so scared of humans because I saw mostly the bad stuff that we were capable of...

and I think I know why I saw Michael...Throughout my childhood, I always listened to him whenever I felt scared or alone..I always thought that he was the light in a world mostly of darkness..and that when he was around...everything would be okay...

I also watched him whenever I could on TV..Heh, when I was a kid I got it into my head that he was a guardian angel....Maybe..I still believe that...Or that could be the child in me talking..

What do you guys think? Was it a message from him? Was he telling me not to be afraid of the world?
WOW. That is so beautiful. I personally think it is a visit of some kind from him. Especially if it's very vivid, colourful and powerful to you. I dreamt of him many many times since he died but two - three of them were so powerful that I'm sure it was some kind of visit.

I honestly believe that spirits can visit the dream world...It felt so real..I felt the coldness of the forest...and I felt his warmth...It was him! He came to see me in my dream!
Aww, I really think he came to visit you :) I think he is so much more in touch with all of his fans than we are aware of. He probably felt or knew that you were hurting somehow, he doesn't want you to hurt or be sad...
wow thats amazing! i've had dreams like that (but i was at a concert and i got to go up to him. it also felt so real!) and i really believe that he visit us through dreams and in our thoughts.
To be honest, I have been very emotional this week..Everytime I heard his songs, I would burst into tears..Mum tried to make me feel ebtter by getting me some Michael Jackson stuff..A huge poster (which is above my bed)...a t-shirt..and a calander...She even bought me a black fedora. (which I wear all the time now)
awww...I believe also that Michael has been visiting us fans in our dreams..I agree with some who have said...he doesn't want us to be sad....I hope the dreamed helped you feel better...:)
To be honest, I have been very emotional this week..Everytime I heard his songs, I would burst into tears..Mum tried to make me feel ebtter by getting me some Michael Jackson stuff..A huge poster (which is above my bed)...a t-shirt..and a calander...She even bought me a black fedora. (which I wear all the time now)

Aw, that is so sweet :) !
To be honest, I have been very emotional this week..Everytime I heard his songs, I would burst into tears..Mum tried to make me feel ebtter by getting me some Michael Jackson stuff..A huge poster (which is above my bed)...a t-shirt..and a calander...She even bought me a black fedora. (which I wear all the time now)

i really understand you, i have moments, days and weeks where nothing seems to be good, and i feel emotionally exhausted, lite i think that most of us is. i think thats why michael came to you dream, he sensed how you were in so much pain. he really wants to help us fans, he knows we are having a hard time right now.