I don't want to be here anymore..

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland
I'm really considering leaving. Alot of you might not even care. Thats okay.

I was not trying to hurt anyone. I was trying to do the right thing! I tried to stop an arguement here. But all I got was hated on and shouted at. I was even made fun of because of a few spelling errors I made. (I've had trouble with spelling my whole life.)

I don't want to be hated. But I also don't want to stand back and watch fellow fans go at each others throats. We should be friends, not snapping at each other. You get angry, fair enough.

You know. Michael always tried to do the right thing. But alot of people still hated him. I think I know how he felt now..
I'm sorry you feel this way. I don't know what has happened :( it's a shame you joined in July, I'm not saying that in a nasty way, but before Michael passed, this board was amazing. The energy and everyone got along most of the time. None of us hate you.. some of us get angry more often and say some things we don't mean. Don't take it personally. Hope you stay with us.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
I don't know what happened but you're right we should all be friends we share a very big thing and that's love for Michael.
One thing I've learned from him is try to be nice to the people around you.
As some say here agree to disagree.
I really hope there will be a time where everyone will just get along here.
:| that's creepy.. we said almost the same thing at the beginning
Aw, I'm sorry you feel like this. As is expected, emotions are still running high, and things are said out of pain and grief. That isn't an excuse to make someone feel the way you do, but I hope you understand what I mean. Keep the faith, we need to get through this all together. :huggy:
Don't leave, there is nothing wrong with what you posted. You were trying to calm things down in a thread which was about a sensitive issue. I don't think the others weren't acting angrily to you, it was just the nature of the topic had people sensitive and emotions were high.
Anyone care to link the thread in question?

Anyway, you shouldn't take people seriously on message boards. Especially me.

I'm sure whatever happened is no biggie.
i dont know the thread in question- but don't leave because of someones opinion, you are here for Michael, to read and post your thoughts on him, theres some decent people on here to talk to who do not snap on others while giving opinions. over grammar errors seriously? i think we need to reflect on what we write down before we click send to other members. don't leave because of that.=) take it easy.
Thanks guys..But what MicHil said to me via PM really hurt me..

and I actually apologised to her for what I said. You know what, I take it back. I am not sorry. I was trying to stop her and Edena from fighting. I was doing the right thing. I shoulden't have had to apologise because I had nothing to be sorry for.
All of you, do not leave because of those things. This board does that from time to time. It happen to me when I first join back in 2004. YOu have to remember you are dealing with people from all walks of life and different backgrounds and views. Take it with stride, give your view and debate on it.
I haven't seen the argument in question but as a general rule you need to be a bit tougher. That's my un-sugarcoated tough love advice. In an interview with Geraldo, Michael said he had "rhinoceros skin." That's what you need to develop. That said, when debating all members should stick to the issues and refrain from personal attacks.
You know. Michael always tried to do the right thing. But alot of people still hated him. I think I know how he felt now..

Gives you even more respect for what he had to go through, doesn't it? He had to ignore most of it or he would have lost his mind! And even he could not ignore it all the time.

I do know how you feel. I've been on message boards a few years, and at first, I used to get pissed off frequently by some folks, and would take a break. But there was a board I absolutely loved loved, and just didn't want to leave. There were so many things happening on the board I liked and so many posters who I enjoyed reading and posting with, I could not give it up. It finally closed because the arguments got so intense by a few.

If you enjoy this place, stick around. If someone begins getting on a nerve, make your life easier. Don't give them the satisfaction of getting on your last nerve, say your piece, and leave it at that.

This board has so many other topics on the wondrous MJ that there is always something to make you smile. I always suggest going to one of the picture posts or the "gold pants" posts.

You have no control over the temperments of others, but you do on how you react to them.

And hey, if you can learn how to deal with anonymous testy posters, you get good training for dealing with those in real life.

I hope I get to post with you again.

Best, gerryevans
Anyone care to link the thread in question?

The FBI thread, it has been cleaned now so I doubt the posts are still there.
GameGirl don't worry about it. Shrug it off honestly, thats what we have to do. Like Agent M said - Rhinoceros skin.

This board has so many other topics on the wondrous MJ that there is always something to make you smile. I always suggest going to one of the picture posts or the "gold pants" posts.

This is a good suggestion. I go to the Man In The Mirror section to the Macro thread - those make me smile.
MJJC was amazing before our beloved Mike's death.

Please just stay and give it another go. It will get back to normal soon.
Well, if you did or still are getting nasty PM's, tell the moderators to report them. I was "Shouted" at a few times here by people, and you can create an ignore list in your user controls section. That's what I did.

Just remember, some people thrive on drama. Rise above it, and don't give them the satisfaction of you leaving this board.
people give me a lot of crap too so you're not alone lol...it's just a matter of knowing how to take it and how to respond, you do get upset but then you get over it
Keep the faith
Don't let nobody turn you 'round
You gotta know when it's good to go
To get your dreams
Up off the ground
Keep the faith, baby yeaaa
Because it's just
A matter of time...
and so on, you know the rest :cheeky:

But yeah, on every single message board is going to be someone who just wants to annoy you or just doesn't get along. You just have to make a way to deal with those guys and the best way is to ignore them!

I hope you stay with us :)
I'm really considering leaving. Alot of you might not even care. Thats okay.

I was not trying to hurt anyone. I was trying to do the right thing! I tried to stop an arguement here. But all I got was hated on and shouted at. I was even made fun of because of a few spelling errors I made. (I've had trouble with spelling my whole life.)

I don't want to be hated. But I also don't want to stand back and watch fellow fans go at each others throats. We should be friends, not snapping at each other. You get angry, fair enough.

You know. Michael always tried to do the right thing. But alot of people still hated him. I think I know how he felt now..

I felt for you in that thread, truly. :(

Unfortunately sometimes I have to just walk away from the board for awhile. While I agree that some folks are more "vocal" about their feelings, and many times in a not so nice manner, know that what you feel and stand for is shared by many others.

its hard when all your trying to do is keep the peace and its not fair for pple to make personal insults towards you, iv'e seen some real bad spelling on here, hey...some of its mine lol... don't leave because of some things said in the heat of the moment hun.
:mad: :angry: Real Talk first of all I do care about you leaving because i know u are a very kind and real member on here. Its sad we all can't express how we feel towards one another when we disagree we don't need to be bashing each other either but its alright to disgree out of love. This forum is PG 13 right so at times we all get heated and want to flip out and shout. No body has the right to send a Hateful PM to any member just state how u feel in a right matter. Come on now can we all just get along and if you feel its in your best interest to leave sweetie good luck with everything that you do and from the heart i love you. Stay strong :kiss:

Thanks guys..But what MicHil said to me via PM really hurt me..

and I actually apologised to her for what I said. You know what, I take it back. I am not sorry. I was trying to stop her and Edena from fighting. I was doing the right thing. I shoulden't have had to apologise because I had nothing to be sorry for.

woah thanks... a thread dedicated to me? aweh how lovely.

fine, fine, fine. portray me as the bad guy :smilerolleyes:

but just don't you dare try to tell me what to do when I'm defending Michael about the Child Allegations. and that's a fact.

i did not come here to MJJC to find doubters/ignorants going against MJ on his own damn forum.

don't like me then add me to ignore list, it's as simple as that.
I'm really considering leaving. Alot of you might not even care. Thats okay.

I was not trying to hurt anyone. I was trying to do the right thing! I tried to stop an arguement here. But all I got was hated on and shouted at. I was even made fun of because of a few spelling errors I made. (I've had trouble with spelling my whole life.)

I don't want to be hated. But I also don't want to stand back and watch fellow fans go at each others throats. We should be friends, not snapping at each other. You get angry, fair enough.

You know. Michael always tried to do the right thing. But alot of people still hated him. I think I know how he felt now..

I know EXACTLY what you're feeling hun.
I recently felt it and got fed up with it too. I had to make myself "invincible" and now mostly lurk around. And that is really unfortunate. :(
I read the thread you were in and let me tell you, I couldn't agree more with you. You laid the right example and you got trampled over for it.

Some people come in here with their nose stuck up so high up in the air and not realize it. And many of them don't want you to extinguish the hate within them. They want that hate and use the word "justice" to justify it. This forum used to be a place of love. I always saw it that way. I higher state of mind, away from the typical. A special place.

Now you have people who come here who ALWAYS has to be right. Knows more than you do. And even go as far as talk about you behind your back to other members of MJJC as if it were high school all over again.
Completely disfigured what I once saw of this place and I myself don't think I will stick around very long either.
It's too bad because I sincerely believe and express love to everyone. But its getting harder and harder. Time bomb posts after time bomb posts. People have no common sense about what to post.
I find myself just coming in here every morning to check out the latest news and happenings of Michael Jackson thread just to keep up.

But I lack the feeling to talk to anyone anymore. :no:
What the hell happened? :cry:

oh well...
Everything else seems to be going to hell in a handbasket.:doh:
And even go as far as talk about you behind your back to other members of MJJC as if it were high school all over again.

hello? :bugeyed you think i found this thread because i was invited?

k this is will my final comment on this thread.

if you want to say something about me then say it to my face.
stop acting like a tweener

and this is why i only chose to have discussion with MEN. URgh.
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I'm sorry you feel this way... There is no avoiding the clash of opinions sometimes, all of us have been attacked at some point for one reason or another. I got used to it. But I think we all need to think about the others and maybe word our comments so it doesn't affect others as bad. I know the tension here is very high and thats normal. We are all going through a major loss. Thats the one thing we all have in common, is Michael. In this time in greif, I think we should all be here for each other and find some comfort because we all need some comfort right now. This place should be about love - and your right - we should think a little about what Michael would say....this place is in his honor and his memory... and we all love him so much.

I'm still seeing things at the positive side, you have too, the World is already dark enough itself.

Good to have you here at this forum.... hugs!!!
OK this is all getting pretty heated in here...

To the OP I think I speak for all of us when I say nobody here wants you to leave. All members here are special and we all love each other. Times are hard, things are changing, and I'm sure that what has been said between you and whoever will maybe not now, but tomorrow or next week will seem so irrelevant. I really hope you decide to stick around, and I really would encourage you to report posts or contact a moderator if there is a problem or you feel like you have been attacked or criticised unfairly. Everybody is taken seriously here, and that's a promise.

With that said I think this thread should come to a close here. Lets promote love, not conflict. :) I hope you guys can resolve matters between yourselves, that would really be great.
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