I don't know

MJJ Lover xOX

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Neverland. ♥
I feel so alive when I listen to Michael. I feel so much joy that it just gushes out of me and I can't help but cry. I can't describe the beauty and the wonder and the amazement that is Michael Jackson and I know that only other true fans, like the people on this board, will know what I mean. It's so intense and so wonderful. I love him completely and utterly - but beyond that..I can't even comprehend it. I'm listening to Man In The Mirror right now :heart: and I've heard it thousands of time and every time I hear it I feel something new, something wonderful...and right now I'm just struck at how amazing he is. I mean, I always know that he is amazing but it's like you uncover a new layer of his talent, his heart, his wisdom, his beauty every time...and I can't believe it. He really is THAT incredible. There are no words, there really isn't. All I know is that right now I miss him more than ever and my heart aches and I am so grateful to have been a fan while he was still here :heart: and I just...I know I'm just babbling on but I feel so emotional and I just want to talk to people who understand. There is nobody else who could ever touch me the way Michael has and I am so SO SO grateful to him...so blessed and I want to thank you Michael...
I want to thank you with all my heart because you made me who I am and I want to go on but I've gone blank and I just wish that I could have meet you...I wish I had traveled to the trial but I was only 13 and I did what I could here with making banners and going on protests and stuff but I wish that you could have known how much I love you...how you are in my heart and I was going to see you in concert in 09 but then...:( and I love you and please come back :(

I'm sorry...I just need to talk :( I miss Michael so much and it hurts so much and time hasn't made this better....:(
You just described perfectly how I feel when I listen to his Music :)
I also agree on the fact that I feel like I can share that feeling with the other fans on forums like these. Especially before he died, you were almost made to feel stupid for loving him,so I always felt comforted by forums like this one :)

I sooo badly wanted to feel his music like that in concert. That was one of the main things I was looking forward too. Also being surrounded with other fans who I knew were feeling the same thing whilst looking at Michael on stage. It would have been so amazing. :(
Everything you said you feel when you listen to him i feel to! He really has made me who i am. Him and his music are the only things i this world that make me truely, truely happy!
Every day im ridiculed in school for the way i feel about him, then you come here and you feel so understood its so amazing. I just whish everyone could see him like fans see him.:(
I understand how you feel. His music just completes me...He's a part of me, and he always will be...there will always be a special place in my heart for him...I love you Michael.