I didn't know this was Michael's view on jewish people.

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Jesus Crackers...give the dude a break..! Working in the Music Industry It IS what it IS...

Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The KEY~~~


God Bless

As Always

This is so old.................lol seriously who doesn't say things like that sometimes on the phone??? Especially when people were always after his money?

I'm sure he means the jewish businessmen, not all of them.
The bit of the clip were Michael say's "the jews do it on purpose", sounds as though it's been purposely edited in to make Michael sound as though he hates jewish. It's a bit obvious that the bit were Michael is saying "they suck, they're like leeches" etc and ends with almost with a jump "the jews do it on purpose" aren't related or part of a fluid sentence.

Michael always had very close friends who were jewish, and a lot of love for jewish people.
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We all say things we would have preferred not to say, whether out of anger or frustration. Such feelings give birth to regret. Michael can't be politically correct all the time--he's human, after all. I am sure, if he could, he would take it back.
the tapes were edited. the came from either schaffel or weisner when he was sueing mj. the full version came out later and showed it was nothing but a cut and paste job to attack mj
Even if its not, we indeed all say things sometimes in our life that we don't really mean. And really, no doubt he was takling about businessmen, i wasn't judging or critisizing him.
it doesnt really matter cause it was fake anyway. its a none story
I agree with those who say it's fake. It does sound edited..
he is right he isnt taking about every jew. he is talking about elite goverment who control everything behind the scenes.
hes not talking about anything. its edited. stop trying to shit stir.if mj were talking about anthing it would have been about the chandlers and the B.S that went on with SKG etc not some conspiracy goverment rubbish
I'm closing this as it was proven to be a fake. Yes its MJ's voice but it was cut and pasted to make MJ seem like he said that.
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