I did something today and it felt GOOD!! :-)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
As we all know there are a lot of haters around who try to make Michael look bad. Today I went to town and bought all his solo albums I could find. Most of them were sold out. But I was able to buy 3 x Thriller, 2 x Dangerous, 6 x Bad, 3 x Off The Wall, 1 x number ones, 7 x King Of Pop: The Dutch Collection.

It may sound crazy but I give them all to friends and family who aren't Michael Jackson fans and some of them talking bad about him. At least, after listening to the music they can't deni that he's a mega talented super artist and it's impossible to like/love his music.

It costed me a dime or 2 but this is my tribute to Michael Jackson. Unfortunately I didn't find HIStory or Invincible.

What is beter to spread his message?
That's a really kind thing of you to do.
That's the spirit! Spread the message not through the words but through the music! That's great you did that, as money doen't matter in this case. :)
As we all know there are a lot of haters around who try to make Michael look bad. Today I went to town and bought all his solo albums I could find. Most of them were sold out. But I was able to buy 3 x Thriller, 2 x Dangerous, 6 x Bad, 3 x Off The Wall, 1 x number ones, 7 x King Of Pop: The Dutch Collection.

It may sound crazy but I give them all to friends and family who aren't Michael Jackson fans and some of them talking bad about him. At least, after listening to the music they can't deni that he's a mega talented super artist and it's impossible to like/love his music.

It costed me a dime or 2 but this is my tribute to Michael Jackson. Unfortunately I didn't find HIStory or Invincible.

What is beter to spread his message?

That was very honorable done of you!

My way to cope with it to drive my car at night with the windows down blasting MJ... I can't explain it, but it feels like sending out love, awareness.
That's the spirit! Spread the message not through the words but through the music! That's great you did that, as money doen't matter in this case. :)

It's not I have too much money. I thought I don't have the money to go to the funeral but I needed to do something. I made some friends happy with the present which made me happy, I spread his message and maybe some of them will become a fan which is for sure because they promised to read the lyrics and listen to all and every song. It's also helping MJ to climb the charts. Maybe not much but I started with the man in the mirror :)

It honestly felt good. I had suicidal feelings but today is the first day since he died that I felt really good... I am happy now. Maybe you think it's stupid but it felt very good..
It's not I have too much money. I thought I don't have the money to go to the funeral but I needed to do something. I made some friends happy with the present which made me happy, I spread his message and maybe some of them will become a fan which is for sure because they promised to read the lyrics and listen to all and every song. It's also helping MJ to climb the charts. Maybe not much but I started with the man in the mirror :)

It honestly felt good. I had suicidal feelings but today is the first day since he died that I felt really good... I am happy now. Maybe you think it's stupid but it felt very good..

Yeah it's like, you've understood what it's all about.
Right now it's about carry Michael's legacy and if you can make a person a fan of MJ then it's a step in the right direction.

Imagine the people that never knew about MJ, they still have so much to discover.

And I mean, we need to keep the legacy going, let our kids, our future kids, our grand kids, know about MJ.

We can't stop the music man, that's the one thing we never should stop.
brilliant!! every little helps.. write to magazines and papers.. just a short thing about how much you love MJ.. thats what ive been doing.. just the odd comment online etc. it shows how much love in the world MJ created :)
thats awesome, im very proud of you my fellow fans! Together we can overcome these terrible times... Buying and giving away mike's music, how's that for spreading the message! Right on...
That was a great thing to do, and I'm glad it made you feel better. I can't even find any of his CDs where I live, but I consider that to be a good thing. The guy at the used CD/movie store said he'd been getting calls ALL WEEKEND from people asking for MJ's stuff.

Also I agree with MJJ2themax, we all need to write as much about Michael and how he influenced us or our lives and how he affected us and how much we loved him. That is the difference between Michael and Elvis or most other celebrities. We didn't just think he was a great singer. He was a great person. He didn't just sing, he tried to help heal the world. He was like no other, and we need to make sure everyone understands that.
Wow. That's something I really want to do. One day, when I won't burst into tears at the very mention of Michael, I am going to save up some money and buy as many of his CDs as I can and give them to people I know and, hell, people I don't know, too. That's a wonderful thing you did, MIchael.Mania.
Thats great! u could also give them to children,..even a children u see walking by that u dont know or take it to an orphanage or a children hospital...im sure they would appreciate and will start loving him too and learning his lessons...

that is really awesome. Ive been buying things off ebay all day.
I want to also buy his CDs and give to people.
So you have bought all albums ???? I thought so, where are they ???? I was in Amsterdam last saturday. I looked at the Fame Musicstore..... 2 Free record Shops and one Van Leest, and every store was EMPTY ! ! ! ! No solo-albums at all from MJ
So you have bought all albums ???? I thought so, where are they ???? I was in Amsterdam last saturday. I looked at the Fame Musicstore..... 2 Free record Shops and one Van Leest, and every store was EMPTY ! ! ! ! No solo-albums at all from MJ

Yes I did! In The Hague I went to the Media Markt in The Hague, I went to 3 Free Record Shops, I went to Winkelcentrum Leyweg and to a record store in a shoppingstreet in de Dierenselaan where I found the Thriller albums. I know it sounds crazy but I had to go out and together with a fellow MJ fan we had a 'dagje uit' :)
It's not I have too much money. I thought I don't have the money to go to the funeral but I needed to do something. I made some friends happy with the present which made me happy, I spread his message and maybe some of them will become a fan which is for sure because they promised to read the lyrics and listen to all and every song. It's also helping MJ to climb the charts. Maybe not much but I started with the man in the mirror :)

It honestly felt good. I had suicidal feelings but today is the first day since he died that I felt really good... I am happy now. Maybe you think it's stupid but it felt very good..
No hoeny, it's not stupid! It's awesome. I know how you feel. I felt the same when i sponsored a child in loving memory of Michael.
Also I agree with MJJ2themax, we all need to write as much about Michael and how he influenced us or our lives and how he affected us and how much we loved him. That is the difference between Michael and Elvis or most other celebrities. We didn't just think he was a great singer. He was a great person. He didn't just sing, he tried to help heal the world. He was like no other, and we need to make sure everyone understands that.

Thanks :) get writing people! just once a day email a paper or spread some MJ love :) it only takes a second but we are in charge now
Really.. We all have to spread Michael's music, we all have to spread his message. Michael was the GREATEST ever en there will be NEVER EVER somebody who will take his place. And we have to make SURE of that!! We are his fans, we love him and we have to keep the legacy ALIVE people!!!!!!!!