I did not abandon my life's ambition! :D


Proud Member
Aug 17, 2004
I am a master student of Communication Science, with the specialization Media Entertainment and Popular Culture. I always wanted to go and make a news paper with only fair and a lot of positive news, a news paper MJ fans would actually be able to read without getting stabbed in the heart reading some rediculous falsehood about Michael. Furthermore, it was my great ambition to write my thesis about the impact of the media on Michael's life, and on that of his fans. But now............ :'( it seems a bit after the fact to do it... I don't think I want to do it anymore... what do you think? I would really like to get some help with this.:angel:
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Re: Should I abandon my life's ambition?

I myself feel so depressed over this whole thing, just when I thought he was going to prove them wrong everything took a tragic turn and the whole world left me bitter with the way they treated Michael, I can understand why you wouldn't want to do it anymore
can't you choose a different theme? I'm sure there must be something more positive to write about
Re: Should I abandon my life's ambition?

I won't give you an answer because you have to decide by yourself what you want to do with your life, but I can say that I understand how you feel about this.
I feel like ''What's the point of beginning something now that he's gone?''

But, on the other hand, you could do that and bring something very positive with it, for the fans, for michael, and most, for you.

Good luck with your decision *hugs*
Re: Should I abandon my life's ambition?

never, ever give up on your dreams, it's all we have....
Re: Should I abandon my life's ambition?

Well, I am just going to speak about what I would do if I were you.

Don't give up!

I think it's still in your heart if you are this far yanno? Just because Michael is gone doesn't mean you can't still bring him justice and put his name in a positive light. He will be in the news for years to come, there will be so much more coming from his family, children and his estate. Michael fans all over the world would be so proud of you and would love to read what you have to say, because it would be fair and real.

But, if I am wrong and it really isn't in your heart anymore...then maybe you should reconsider.

Just really think it over. Don't act on impulse and emotions...you may regret it later. Good luck!! :)
Re: Should I abandon my life's ambition?

Thank you for your kind advice! I'll think everything you say over very well, and try to make a decision. Thank you so much. And I will let you know.
Re: Should I abandon my life's ambition?

I have chosen!! I will NOT abandon my life's ambition of course! :D I am so happy. I am going to research which media fans use to construe their idea of Michael Jackson and of themselves as fans, and if the death :(:(:( of MJ has influenced this. For example, if fans started visiting this forum more often, to be together with other fans.

Thank you guys again!! So much. Does anyone know how I change the title of this thread in 'I did not abandon my life's ambition'? heehee!
Thank you Carinemjj! Yay I changed it! It feels so good to finally have decided. Now I'm going to pump the volume up and listen to some MJ songs! TWYMMF, Dangerous, BOTDF!