I did an I-Ching reading about Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a cup, in a ride.
Hey guys, I posted this in the psychic thread, but wanted to make sure the people who don't read that thread had a chance to see this. I just did an I-Ching reading concerning Michael.

For those that don't know what I-Ching is, try referring here: http://www.wejees.net/whatisi-ching.html or Googling it to find out more. It's kind of like tarot.

In summary:
"The I-ching is part of a numerological system, with even numbers as Yin, and odd numbers as Yang. To use the i-ching coins for divination, one side is designated as Yin, the other as Yang. Tossing the coins, and recording the results, forms the hexagram from the bottom line up. Once you have formed your hexagram, then it is time to turn to the Book of Changes for the meaning of that hexagram. There are sixty-four possibilities."

Anyway...I asked if I could please get a message as to how Michael is doing at this time, or if he had something he'd like to communicate to his fans...knowing that I would share the reading information here with you all. What I got out of the reading lined up perfectly with his situation I think, and thus gave a little comfort.

I got Hexagram 33 with line 6 moving. I will mark in red my side comments of how I interpreted the message. Quite amazing to me how spot on it all was.

Hexagram 33 is "Retreat. Withdrawal. Sanctuary" - it reads... "Safe in seclusion. Little pig, stay where you are."

Meaning: Sky over mountain. The strength of the sky has retreated to the top of the mountain to concentrate on developing it's power. Seclusion is appropriate. The different aspect of withdrawing from the world, either by choice or by force of circumstances. (

Michael. :cry: I love you.
He's really ok.
It's all starting to feel so final lately, especially with the burial tomorrow. I truly feel he's ok though. But I found myself the other day in class thinking a lot about his children and how there were so many things he still wanted to do as mentioned in the other thread. It made me teary-eyed thinking about it and I feel bad for him that he can't complete all that he wanted to do. Especially raising his children, watching them grow (which he still can), having grandkids, performing, doing movies, more music etc. But this reading kind of helps especially this, ""Little pig, fat and happy". Meaning: Having done your best and succeeded, you may now withdraw from the struggle of life and retire in comfort. He was done here. That's how I felt in the beginning of all of this and I'm starting to feel that again. As long as he can feel our love, I think we'll all be ok. :)

Thanks for posting this Amy.
Wow. That was really interesting. Thanks for sharing that!
The title and meaning of Line 6 was the best part of the reading for me...though all of it was very accurate. "Little pig, fat and happy" kind of makes me imagine Michael sitting back with his hand on his belly, proud of what he's done and happy to return home. :p It also makes me imagine something like God saying "come home child, you've done well and the worst is over".

Michael could have done more, yes...but what he's done here already was enough. He's made his mark, he's changed the world, and he's suffered many hardships and heartache in the process. Now is the time for him to be free of that...to rejuvenate his soul... while still being able to look over us and smile at how his life is STILL affecting the world in the most beautiful way.

God bless you Michael...enjoy your solace.
Omg...talk about "coincidence" for me stumble upon Michael's song "Escape" for the first time tonight.

With lyrics like -
"Escape, got to get away from a system lose in the world today
Escape, the pressure that I face from relationships that's gone away
Escape, the man with the pen that writes the lies that hassle this man...
When I go, this problem world won't bother me no more "

Hah...awesome. Love this song too...totally rockin'.
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This is all well and great...but I will never believe that he should have gone so soon. I don't believe his mission was complete. But I do believe he's ok. Doesn't make the reality of it any easier though...
wow thank you so much for posting this amygrace! this really made me think, and the things you wrote are SPOT ON. i feel that this is something that isnt just a coincidence, i just dont think that beacuse all these things really match up to this situation. thanks again amygrace!
The title and meaning of Line 6 was the best part of the reading for me...though all of it was very accurate. "Little pig, fat and happy" kind of makes me imagine Michael sitting back with his hand on his belly, proud of what he's done and happy to return home. :p It also makes me imagine something like God saying "come home child, you've done well and the worst is over".

Michael could have done more, yes...but what he's done here already was enough. He's made his mark, he's changed the world, and he's suffered many hardships and heartache in the process. Now is the time for him to be free of that...to rejuvenate his soul... while still being able to look over us and smile at how his life is STILL affecting the world in the most beautiful way.

God bless you Michael...enjoy your solace.
Couldn't agree with you more!:agree:
Thanks for posting your reading...it's really interesting. I think Michael will be able to do even more now when he's in heaven, maybe more than he would be able to on earth for the rest of the time. Although it all feels awful, I can somehow come in peace with the idea that he's in a higher place now...a safe place...a fitting place, a place where he can still be there for the world but in another, maybe better way.

I think I'll be joining the physic thread someday soon, I got a lot of interest in this and have been experiencing stuff.
Glad to see people reading this thread...I think it was important to share.
HUGS to everyone!

I think Michael will be able to do even more now when he's in heaven, maybe more than he would be able to on earth for the rest of the time. Although it all feels awful, I can somehow come in peace with the idea that he's in a higher place now...a safe place...a fitting place, a place where he can still be there for the world but in another, maybe better way.

I think I'll be joining the physic thread someday soon, I got a lot of interest in this and have been experiencing stuff.

I agree.
On another note, I think it's neat that people are still doing the I-Ching! :D
My friend who is a spiritualist had an encounter with Michael recently.

If I get permission from her to tell what she experienced with him, then I will do so.

IT WAS DEEP!!! And that's why I'm not as brokenhearted as before - he's alive but in other dimension.
My friend who is a spiritualist had an encounter with Michael recently.

If I get permission from her to tell what she experienced with him, then I will do so.

IT WAS DEEP!!! And that's why I'm not as brokenhearted as before - he's alive but in other dimension.

Intriguing... would love to hear!
My friend who is a spiritualist had an encounter with Michael recently.

If I get permission from her to tell what she experienced with him, then I will do so.

IT WAS DEEP!!! And that's why I'm not as brokenhearted as before - he's alive but in other dimension.

Would love to hear it. Sounds interesting.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing :)

My friend does I Ching readings sometimes.
Answers are enigmatic, it’s not easy to understand.

I haven’t found the psychic thread yet.
Sounds interesting. Especially if astrology is included. :)