I danced with David Guest last weekend!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok so I was out on the town in Cork last Saturday night and while I was standing around with my friends, a taxi pulled up beside us. I didn't take any notice until I heard my friend squeal "OMG it's that's guy!". I turned around and sure enough it looked just like David Guest. We walked over to him and my friend asked "Are you the guy who won I'm a celeb??" He nodded and said "Yeah I'm David Guest". She squealed some more but all I could think about was his friendship with Michael.

He then walked a bit with us and asked us what's the 'newest best club in Cork'. I told him that's there's no 'new' clubs that I know of but a club called "Havanas' is pretty popular and cool. He smiled at me and we proceeded to the club.

We danced with him in the club during the night, even though I couldn't believe that it was actually happening! He was really cool. I guess it's the closest I ever came and will come to Michael Jackson.
David is a snutty as can be. I bet he and Michale got some really good laughes back in the day being mischeveous and nutty. David is a childhood friend over at the house all the time climing the wall at Havenhurst with Tito. David has a Youtube story all about it worth checking out. I literally died lauging at how silly, wild and crazy he is with Tito.
Its nice to no hes a nice guy! Did you talk to him about Mike at all? :)

I didn't mention Michael...I would have had a million questions I would have liked to ask about him, but at the time I just couldn't think of one...It would have been really hard for me to talk about him though. I'm sure of that...
That' s awesome. David's a quirky guy but I like him because he has always been a close friend of the Jacksons and he strongly supported Michael during the trial.
Haha, David is so cool! That's class!
He didn't win I'm A Celeb though so it's funny he implied he did when you asked him, haha!