I couldn't sleep last night...but I learnt something...the moonwalk!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Now, anyone who knows me knows that I fall asleep in like 3 seconds flat....but last night no matter what I just could not switch off. For some reason I started to think about the moonwalk,right? in my head I keep seeing the first time Michael showed the moonwalk, the Billie Jean performance motown show.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG0cjYwgqxA

anyway...it was like it was on repeat...the moonwalk part...over and over again the same thing, then in slow motion. I couldn't get the image out of my head. This went on for an hour.

It finally hit me that I know how to moonwalk.


After 25 years of attempting it, I can freaking do it!!!!!!

I got out of bed at 3am and did it down the hallway lmao.

Still practicing now...my kids think its cool :p
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Congratulations! I am still working on it myself. I know how to do it technically but now I need to make it fluid.
Thanks Moonglider! :)

My son was like 'omg how did you do that in two days???! That's not fair!!' ( he was away)

I said no I have been trying for many years lol...
naaw that's so sweet =)

I remember when i learned to do the moonwalk. it was when mike showed Bashir how to do it. so while Mike talked to Bashir, showing him how to do it, i stood right in front of the TV, doing the things Mike said and then after practising 10-15 minutes i did it =D i was 10 at that time XD I started dancing when i was six so it came quite naturally for me.

Congrats =)