I can't take it anymore!!!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Las vegas Nevada United States
I am 24 years old, I am in college, haven't lived with my parents in 6 years. As of now I have a roommate, and I am OK with parents coming to visit, but not for long term. My roommates mother has stayed with us for 3 weeks in a small 2 bed room 1 bathroom apartment.

She finally leaves after 3 weeks, and returns 2 weeks later due to a flood. Now the woman doesn't know how to drive, and we have to evacuate. Her son -in-law drops her off here, and leaves her in the danger zone with her daughter. Now to me as a mother I would have picked up my daughter and left the danger zone not stay in the danger zone. Well for about the whole day she is here, my roommate and I, our friend Aritra the only person with a car, and my roommates mother are deciding where we are going to go. Her husband who lives about 3 hours away would only take my roommate and i into his house, but since we don't have a car we would have to bring Aritra with us, which is fine with me because he was also being evacuated.

This is what I don't understand. He is your husband, you also live in that house, it shouldn't matter if yout husband tells you to not bring someone, because at this point it is an emergancy. As an adult she should have taken responsibility, and just taken her and her daughter with the only resourse they had which was Aritra, and drove to safety. BUT THE WOMAN FOLLOWED HER HUSBANDS RULES.

What makes me so angry is she was going to do take all of us to her husbands place. She had told Aritra and for all of us to be ready to leave at 9 am. So aritra left our house, and we started getting ready. The idiot of a woman changed her mind at fucking 3 am (sorry for the foul language). Not only were we stuck in an evacuated place, she decided to stay, and ruin other peoples including her daughters chance for survival.

I had to look for flights back to Vegas, but was too expensive, I ended up calling at my ex boyfriends place at 4 am to ask him to get bme and bring me to Minneapolis. I stayed at his place until it was safe to return to our home. Well since I returned last friday the mother has been here for about a week, and staying longer. I don't know if I can handle being around her anymore. Maybe its worse that I lost respect for her, and her capabilities of raising and being helpful to her children in such dire situations.

I am just fed up with her being in my house for so long, I feel i have no privacy, that I can't do anything really, and its also adding stress to me.
Are you guys talking about this? Is she ignoring your opinion?
You're not in a kids position there gisselle... so your voice should be heard just as much.
Probably it's not worth it to get all worked up about what's over now... sorry for all the stress with the flooding... however you guys (you and your roomate) need to make up rules for living together you both truely can live with I think like when and for how long to have what kind of guests etc.... there's some tolerance yep... but then there's also respect one has to have for the privacy of the other person!
I think Mechi is right - you need some rules about how long visitors can stay. I don't think it's right to have a visitor stay over for longer than a week when you have very little space. And I don't get her behaviour during the emergency - if someone is going to drive you to your house how can you then not let them stay when it's a life and death situation! That's just not right.