I cant stop the pain

I totally understand. This is very recent, and was very sudden and shocking. I could say that the pain will ease in time, but right now it sure doesn't feel like it. I can only share what helps me, and maybe it will help you, too? The grief is worse when I watch tv. It doesn't really matter, in the end, what killed him. That's not going to change anything, and it becomes painful to watch. So I force myself to turn the tv OFF.

Even though I don't want to, I've been making myself interact with friends (and not just online). Going out, going places, helps. Sure, there are tears in inappropriate places, but my mind isn't constantly on the loss, when I'm with other people.

There are "grief-counselors," and you can try to find one in your area. He or she is not likely to understand your intensity of feeling. You'd have to explain that this is not just some "celebrity who died," but feels like the loss of a close family member.

Keep talking here? I DO know how much it hurts.
