I can't stop having nightmares of Michael Myers. Please help me??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
My whole life, the only movie that ever scared me was Halloween. Michael Myers is the most terrifying fictional killer to me. I can watch any horror movie by myself and never get scared. But when it comes to the Halloween movies, I can't watch them alone or at night.

I seem to constantly be having nightmares about him...It's like I'm in a Halloween movie and he's chasing me. Seeing that mask in my dreams is so frightening. When I wake up, I'm so scared, even though I realize it's just a nightmare. I don't know why I keep dreaming about him, but I wish there was a way to stop it because it's the one thing that scares the sh*t out of me whenever I think about him...

Any advice? :(
Haha I find him pretty scary too. I don't know how you can overcome the dreams though. Maybe watch something else before you go to bed so that it will be on your mind rather than Michael Myers. :mello:
just think of the fact that he's a fictional character now repeat it. ;)
well it worked in my case but not on Michael Myers...but the whole idea of when it gets dark or something I would start thinking of things-basically scaring myself in the process with that i just keep saying *too much horror movies2...* and my system would just calm down...music helps too. :)
po thang.......I'm the complete opposite....I love MM....I watch all the halloween movies (by myself)....but seriously...it's only a movie and a fictional character...maybe your somehow associating him with something that is going on in your life...that my be the reason you can't shake him....try thinking positive things...or do positive things...drawing, reading, dancing...anything relaxing that will ease your mind....
When I first saw the thread I thought you meant you were having nightmares about MIKE Myers (shrek, Austen Powers, Waynes World) and pictured you having nightmares about Waynes World. LOL @ my stupidity.
Try reading a book or watching some light hearted TV before bed. Find out if there's something you're doing before you go to bed that's triggering it and perhaps change your routine a bit to prevent it? Good luck x
There might be a reason behind these recurring dreams... First of all, how long has this been going for? Has this just been happening recently?
You know i've been having nightmares about Michael Myers too when i was a kid. I thought he existed but i learned later that he was only a fictional horror character. I hated the Halloween movies at first but then i started to become a fan of the franchise.

If you want to overcome these dreams, try to watch a comedy movie/sketch show. It worked for me though. ^^ Or try to watch something that has nothing to do with MM. Like read books, listen to music or play games.
I know what you mean. Michael Myers is by far the scarriest horror movie character ever. But I'm a big fan of the Helloween movies.
When I was younger I had a few nightmares about Michael Myers. And that can be very scary.
Maybe you should check out YouTube videos where people do parodies on him and make him look stupid. Maybe you will begin to laugh about him rather than be scared.