I can now relate to how MJ felt when he was called pedofile


Proud Member
Mar 25, 2008
My story. Recently I went to some french dating site to get acquainted with a french man. But I am Russian, lived for 7 yrs in austria, now visiting spain before going back to my country. To my astonishment 80 percent of french men there, maybe this is the case only with french men, after getting to know that I was Russian without getting to know me personally immediately said that all russian women are prostitutes and want only cash and that they are not going to pay for ticket, then why bother write me? I am not looking for gigolos to pay for them or for sex-tourists inviting women at women's expence to their country and not even paying for food for her. Or is this a case with american men as well? I am so fed up with narrow-mindness of people, they don't know me and say this?
A quote by Charlotte Brontë comes to my mind.

Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education; they grow there, firm as weeds among stones.'
(Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre)

Or what British writer William Hazlitt said: Prejudice is the child of ignorance.

I know it hurts very much to be categorized by stereotyped thinking, I too see and hear this too often. But perhaps you can see it this way: Better to find out their way of thinking now than later. :better: Be assured, not everyone is that way ...
Hello Magicgirl, i do not go to french dating websites so i do not know about 'em. Meetic.fr is a very well-known french dating website but i think its only french speaking. Dunno how reliable it is.

Personally i do not like that kind of websites as sometimes u never know who you're communicating with for sure. Maybe you should try to find french friends on MJJC forum as ppl from all over the world come here. You can browse their posts and KIND of get an idea of what they're about.

Lastly, you could meet french people by simply going to France. Also, i do not know if MJJC organize fans meetings. Well if so, you could go to one of those meetings and meet a french cat by chance i dunno.

Anyhow, not all french people are narrow-minded but be very careful when going to those french dating websites, when going to any dating website actually.

By the way, do not let people make u sad like that especially "internet people" u might actually have talked to a 14- year-old touching himself.

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Actually there's a really good independent documentary movie called "Witch Hunt" that captures greatly the hysteria and ordeal that several families had gone through over some nasty allegations and a vendetta type of prosecution. You can read a little bit about it from imdb, but I encourage all MJ fans to rent this and watch. If you are Netflix instant movie subscriber, the show is available on the Instant Ready watch list.