I belong to me....Your thoughts?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
So I have a question to all the girls and guys here.

Why do guys always act all jealous if you talk to some other guy (yes...just TALK), even though you are not in a relationship with the one who gets jealous, and they don't INTEND to be in a relationship with you either? What's up with that? I just don't get it? They don't want you to be their girlfriend, but still get jealous if you even just talk to some other guy. Like you were their posession somehow? So what's the deal with all that? I'd like to hear your thoughts. Has this happened to you also if you are female. And can you tell us why guys do that, if you're male? (Or vice versa...has this happened to you as a guy...with a girl? I guess it can go both ways?)

Discuss. :cheers:
:lol: :lol: Nice. :lol: So I need to find someone who is "bad" at it then? :lol:
Oh come on!! You'll get a job! Just keep at it!! Don't give up!! :)
well honestly I think that's unfair generalization all of us probably do when we're losing patience looking for that wonderful one and only.
Not all guys are like that... just look out a bit more! ;)
of course, you girls don't get jealous when we innocently chat to other ladies.
of course, you girls don't get jealous when we innocently chat to other ladies.

very true! :D chat as much as you want! :dont_mention_it:see if you're with a loved one then you want it to be a happy loved one! lol
Friendship and love relationship when happy makes MORE (maybe the impossible) possible it doesn't limit... keyword is trust.
I can not stand jelousie. And I'd never allow it to limit the happiness of my boyfriend or my own. As soon as I detect it coming up the slightest it needs to be thrown (worked) out.
Also I do not have jealous friends. Read above. Honestly if that's not possible I've ended friendships.
I guess the ppl I know are just confident about themselves and me!
I think girls can get jealous just as much as men can. Infact I'd probably say even more so. I think depending on the situation depends on actually how jealous they get. You may think he's a "friend" only and all that but in the back of his mind, maybe he doesn't have the courage to approach you about it?
I remember WAY back in senior school there was this guy who liked me, and I knew that he liked me. I told him to his face that it was never going to happen between us because I just was not interested. We were friends and that was it. But even after telling him this he still couldn't get over the jealousy of when I would mention that I liked someone or even talk to someone else. I guess it's just in their nature? They want something badly, and then they've been told or refuse to do anything more about it - whether it be to actually just come up and ask you out - or nothing at all and leave the situation as a just friends thing.

And with mentioning that girls can be jealous of men. True very true. If you like a guy and are friends with him, but you wish it would go further; only you've ever said anything about it or tried to get their out look on what they think about the option of you being more then friends. I guess it depends on how each individual see's the situation.

As Mechi said, sometimes yes it is worth throwing away a friendships because the jealousy can start to get in the way of the friendships/relationships that that you have with others.

I don't know. There's a fine line between friends and more then friends. Once that is crossed can you go back? Even if they might not intend it maybe spending the time talking with you has got them into thinking that perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea?
I know exactly what you mean summer. It's normal...every guy is like it! We just have to accept that they're going to be like that. Plus, best male friends never like our boyfriends. Fact.
^ i thought boyfriends never liked guy friends. :D

i think we women can get as jealous.
then guys and girls like to make each other jealous !on purpose! on top of that..

oh aren't relationships fun!! ~
I don't think it's fair to say it's just guys, girls can be just as bad. I don't really know what to say because it all depends on the individuals. People have major jealousy issues, but more often than not this is down to individual trauma or self esteem issues.

OK, I just re-read the original post about not even being in a relationship with the guy who's getting jealous. I have no idea, I've never even experienced that, that I know of. Maybe they like you? :unsure:
Maybe it's one of those cases of I don't want you but I don't want anyone else having you either? LOL
I don't think it's fair to say it's just guys, girls can be just as bad. I don't really know what to say because it all depends on the individuals. People have major jealousy issues, but more often than not this is down to individual trauma or self esteem issues.

OK, I just re-read the original post about not even being in a relationship with the guy who's getting jealous. I have no idea, I've never even experienced that, that I know of. Maybe they like you? :unsure:

Well that's the thing....that's exactly the point....!!!! They say they DON'T....or they say they only like me "as a friend"...and THEY are the ones who "just wanna be friends". And then if I talk to some other guy (note: just TALK...not flirt or anything, but only talk like you talk to anyone) they act like some jealous boyfriend, so that I'm thinking "WHAT is your PROBLEM???!!" :rolleyes: "YOU were the one who didn't wanna be with me!!!" :rolleyes:

Maybe it's one of those cases of I don't want you but I don't want anyone else having you either? LOL

EXACTLY!! It's like "I don't wanna be with you, but I don't want anyone else to be with you either"....GO FIGURE??!!! THAT is what I don't get!! :scratch: And THAT'S what I am trying to understand and figure out why some do that?
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So I have a question to all the girls and guys here.

Why do guys always act all jealous if you talk to some other guy (yes...just TALK), even though you are not in a relationship with the one who gets jealous, and they don't INTEND to be in a relationship with you either? What's up with that? I just don't get it? They don't want you to be their girlfriend, but still get jealous if you even just talk to some other guy. Like you were their posession somehow? So what's the deal with all that? I'd like to hear your thoughts. Has this happened to you also if you are female. And can you tell us why guys do that, if you're male? (Or vice versa...has this happened to you as a guy...with a girl? I guess it can go both ways?)

Discuss. :cheers:

Someone's got a secret admirerer!!! :lol:
He's obviously in love with u and dont have the guts to tell u that!!:doh:

watch it boyfriend! haha. i never get jealous...ahem. i just dont like girls who act flirty or whatever even if it's just "innocent chatting"

EXACTLY! I hate them bitches hahahaha

I let my boyf have female friends...but if i see something suspicious/flerty, watch out! Imma slap the girl's wax outta her ears!!! :wild: