I am SOOO tired of the damn rules!! ...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
South America
I was going to reply to a thread, but guess what? IT HAS BEEN REMOVED!!
I'm so so so f*cking tired of it!!! :bugeyed
I'm hurting so so bad, and I'm furious with some facts!!

"Oh Michael was in perfect health" HELLOOOWWWW!!!! STOP trying to hide things, deleting thread and say everything was great with him!!
Of course it was not!!!

It makes me ve-ry MAD that we cant say stuff like that here in MJJC! F*CK IT!!! Are you all blind or what??? I'm so sorry but I've been "good" for too long, and I cant stand this anymore, if u wanna remove me from MJJC, I dont care anymore!!!
The TRUTH is that Michael was not "in perfect health"! FOR GOD SAKE!!! He was going to the doctor too many times, I knew something was wrong!! How can a person that is healthy go to the doctor too many times?? And what people were doing??? Trying to hide it saying he was in perfect health!!! Come on!!!

And do not tell me to calm down cause I'm furious!! And I'm SOOO sick of the damn rules!! To hell with the rules!!

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May you find peace in this very difficult time, and in my opinion, understand your anger and frustration.
:boohoo: It breaks my heart, really! Angel Michael was not in perfect health and people were somehow hidding it. "oh comments about Michael's health are not allowed! oh someone (whoever he is) said he is doing great"! Aahhh come on!! :boohoo:
I understand you're anger, and it's good to let it out. The reasons those rules are there is to stop unbased speculation about his private life, which we are asked to respect. We all have our thought about all that happened, but without proof it's hard to debate it. I hope you feel better soon..
I was in a thread before, and after I posted it was gone ... Felt kinda strange.
I don't think anyone was saying everything was great with Michael obviously it wasn't. But we shouldn't shread him apart on a personal level that we do not posses all the facts on. Not really sure what thread was deleted but I'm sure there had to be a reason for it.