I am SO tired...Of course is MJ related.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am SO tired of Karen Faye... Yea she knows Michael better then we do, but DAMN she has no common sense when it comes to justice for Michael. I love Michael i am a fan of his and have been for ages. But you disagree with the TINI group you get your ass tossed in the fire and i like having the freedom of Speech.

I am tired of Crying for Michael but i do it because i love him.

They asked me if i knew the whole story. No i dont know the whole story and if i did it wouldn't change how i feel for Michael.

Im just so tired of "THIS IS NOT IT" being around it makes me sick.

If y'all aint figured it out i am STRONGLY opinionated.
yeah I read the newest bull she posted on facebook, as usual I ignored her deranged ass. She ain't worth it.
I've never liked that movement. A lot always make you feel inferior cos they've actually got to know michael a bit and you've not.
i had her on facebook back in the days but deleted her.
I'm not sure who holds the truth but i get so tired of this whole situation at times that i just deleted her for my own sake.
MICHAEL holds the truth. She is in this for her 15. shes no better then the moochers out there. i am so fu**ing tired of her. im sure then twinklEE you saw all of my posts.

I deleted her but im still getting comments from there. And i dont want them.