I am SO Scared!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tomorrow at 1:00 in the afternoon i am getting my first and last tattoo... Just for documentery reasons i am going to take my camera along and attempt to snap off a few pix and maybe get some video of my tat in the process. I have witnessed people get them and they either have a high pain tolerance or they are REALLY good at hiding the pain from my eyes. I am scared to death! I'm going to try and be brave and put on my game face for the camera but if i cry there is no comments about how big a baby i am you got me lol.? You have all seen my tattoo... seen what it looks like. But for those who haven't the following is what i am getting on the inside of my ankle tomorrow...:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed

Tomorrow at 1:00 in the afternoon i am getting my first and last tattoo... Just for documentery reasons i am going to take my camera along and attempt to snap off a few pix and maybe get some video of my tat in the process. I have witnessed people get them and they either have a high pain tolerance or they are REALLY good at hiding the pain from my eyes. I am scared to death! I'm going to try and be brave and put on my game face for the camera but if i cry there is no comments about how big a baby i am you got me lol.? You have all seen my tattoo... seen what it looks like. But for those who haven't the following is what i am getting on the inside of my ankle tomorrow...:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed


you are very brave:better:
i am a chicken so no tats for me:no:
and the hat goes great with mj initials logo:agree:

good luck. :cheers:
You'll see this is not THAT painful! :)

I've been scared all my life about getting a tattoo, I was scared of the pain, people telling me it's not that bad but I didn't know what 'not that bad' meant to them! I was also a little anxious of the 'relation' you have with your tattoo after, do you forget it's there with time? Do you regret? Do you get tired of people asking you what it means? Yet I don,t have the answer to these question, since I've had mine for 4 months now, but I can't regret it, because it's for Michael.

Until June 28th, when I needed to get that tattoo, I did it, I cried, but not because of the pain, just because I was doing that for Michael. The pain was nothing, just a little itchy. I said to the man '' it's not more painful than THAT??'' I was so surprised!

And you know, getting a MJ tattoo, the pain (little or more) is nothing compared to the meaning behind the act.

:hug: give us news about it :)

P.S. You choice for yout tattoo is beautiful!!!
You see this is not THAT painful! :)

I've been scared all my life about getting a tattoo, I was scared of the pain, people telling me it's not that bad but I didn't know what 'not that bad' meant to them! I was also a little of the 'relation' you have with your tattoo after, do you forget it's there with time? Do you regret? Do you get tired of people asking you what it means? Yet I don,t have the answer to these question, since I've had mine for 4 months now, but I can't regret it, because it's for Michael.

Until June 28th, when I needed to get that tattoo, I did it, I cried, but not because of the pain, just because I was doing that for Michael. Te pain was nothing, just a little itchy. I said to the man '' it's not more painful than THAT??'' I was so surprised!

And you know, getting a MJ tattoo, the pain (little or more) is nothing compared to the meaning behind the act.

:hug: give us news about it :)

P.S. You choice for yout tattoo is beautiful!!!

Thank you i made it lol. and thanks for your replys! im still all really scared... i hope my cousin can come with me haha.
well i Got it!!!

I was also told that there could be some problems if anyone from his camp seen that i had used his signature in my tattoo. I know a lot of people have this and i hadn't realized there could be a problem with getting his sig tattooed. But i assure the family that i had no idea it could cause a problem. I mean no infringement of any kind with my tattoo. I got my tattoo purely out of Love and Devotion to Michael. I will post a photo of it after it heals up a bit more. Please remember i got this to remember Michael and not to cause any problems.
Good luck!! I got the logo too on my birthday! It doesnt hurt that bad.. Just think its for Michael it makes you feel much better :)
well i Got it!!!

I was also told that there could be some problems if anyone from his camp seen that i had used his signature in my tattoo. I know a lot of people have this and i hadn't realized there could be a problem with getting his sig tattooed. But i assure the family that i had no idea it could cause a problem. I mean no infringement of any kind with my tattoo. I got my tattoo purely out of Love and Devotion to Michael. I will post a photo of it after it heals up a bit more. Please remember i got this to remember Michael and not to cause any problems.

Well, Michael signed peoples body parts when they asked him to and they told him they were going to turn it into a tattoo. All he cared about was showing concern and saying 'Are you 100% sure you want to do that?' So I don't think you should have any problems.

I can't see the tattoo on you but if its anything like the photo I'm sure it looks ace.
Aww I can't see it!
I really want to see it though!
And did it hurt?

im about to fix it and not as much as i thought it would hurt. I didn't get to take video because i was preoccupied with watching her so she didn't mess up...

Careful its big lol.
im about to fix it and not as much as i thought it would hurt. I didn't get to take video because i was preoccupied with watching her so she didn't mess up...

Careful its big lol.
Glad to hear it didn't hurt that much ;)

When I got my tattoos I was too busy watching him too :lol:
So someone else took pictures and stuff..

But I still can't see your picture :(
I can't see it. :( I can't believe they said they might have a problem with using the signature, lol. What are they gonna do, not like you can wash it off. :lol:
Well, Michael signed peoples body parts when they asked him to and they told him they were going to turn it into a tattoo. All he cared about was showing concern and saying 'Are you 100% sure you want to do that?' So I don't think you should have any problems.

I can't see the tattoo on you but if its anything like the photo I'm sure it looks ace.

Awww Michael is the sweetest 'are you 100% sure you want to do that?' how beautiful :wub:
I wish I could have a tattoo autograph of him, how amazing would that be? :swoon:
Glad to hear it didn't hurt that much ;)

When I got my tattoos I was too busy watching him too :lol:
So someone else took pictures and stuff..

But I still can't see your picture :(

Me neither. I don't know what's wrong on my end, but any time a link shows up with "click the image to open in full size," I get a black box. :thumbdown:
I can`t see the picture either...did it hurt..i have always wanted a tattoo but i am really reeally scared about the pain..which body part is the least painful!! but if i ever gather up courage to get one it will be of mj
i cant see the pictures!!

No its doesnt hurt!! I am covered in them (I have a half sleeve on my right arm, both my wrists, entire inside of lower left arm, back and behind my ears)... far too many for a girl as my friends would say haha!! But none of them hurt...APART from on my sleeve I had 'water shading' done, which is watered down ink they have to keep going over to do shading, that was really painful... but if you just get outline and straight colour its fine... not even my wrists or behind my ears hurt, where you think it would...
i can't lie any say its not gonna hurt, it will abit but its nothing to unbearable. alot depends on where you have it. And it will all be worth it in the end.
It didnt hurt for me either.. It stinged a bit at first but I got used to it
I dont know what the heck is wrong with it...

Lets try AGAIN lol

if it shows up sorry its so big lol i have yet to figure out how to resize my camera photo on the camera the res.
That looks AWESOME. Congrats!!

I don't get the signature thing. The people at the tattoo shop were saying it?

Aww, Mikey is so sweet asking that. That would be awesome having him sign you. sigh. :wub:

Is it true that getting a tattoo on a bony area hurts more? (eg. feet)
That looks AWESOME. Congrats!!

I don't get the signature thing. The people at the tattoo shop were saying it?

Aww, Mikey is so sweet asking that. That would be awesome having him sign you. sigh. :wub:

Is it true that getting a tattoo on a bony area hurts more? (eg. feet)

idk... lol but one side of mine hurt a hell of a lot worse then the other side did haha.

i do have a question about tattoos though. I got mine on the 27th (day his movie was released) How long do you have to wait before you get it wet?
Ginny I love it!
Very nice!

@ bubbyduck4MJ; I have a tattoo on my arm and one on my foot.. The one on my foot did hurt though!
I almost wanted to pull away:bugeyed
But I guess everybody has another pain level

@ Ginny; They advised me not to swim or tan for at least 4/6 weeks.
Ginny I love it!
Very nice!

@ bubbyduck4MJ; I have a tattoo on my arm and one on my foot.. The one on my foot did hurt though!
I almost wanted to pull away:bugeyed
But I guess everybody has another pain level

@ Ginny; They advised me not to swim or tan for at least 4/6 weeks.

so am i safe to get it wet? it was the 27th of oct when i got mine. since it is my first tattoo i do have alot of questions. lol