I am not taking a break. Sorry to break the trend.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I noticed a lot of 'I am taking a break' threads popping up lately so thought I would join in. But I am not good at following trends so I am announcing my decision to stay not my decision to leave.

So who is with me on this one and who else is sticking around too? Maybe we can start our own trend.
I am with you Michelle,,I to am staying NO break for me..:)
Summer is always the most depressing time of year for me, so I'm not following anyone's trend by announcing my decision to take a break. I reckon I'm doing a bit better now, although the situation remains to be seen until the end, but alas, for now, I think I can try and contribute a bit here.
Summer is always the most depressing time of year for me, so I'm not following anyone's trend by announcing my decision to take a break. I reckon I'm doing a bit better now, although the situation remains to be seen until the end, but alas, for now, I think I can try and contribute a bit here.

Mik's back in da house, yo'! ^^

And almost mid May is so not officially summer. *rolls eyes*

Summer is always the most depressing time of year for me, so I'm not following anyone's trend by announcing my decision to take a break. I reckon I'm doing a bit better now, although the situation remains to be seen until the end, but alas, for now, I think I can try and contribute a bit here.

I can't stand the summer either. Long break from school, sunshine, traveling, ice cream, swimming, barbeques... ugh. That would make anyone depressed.

j/k ;)
Summer is always the most depressing time of year for me, so I'm not following anyone's trend by announcing my decision to take a break. I reckon I'm doing a bit better now, although the situation remains to be seen until the end, but alas, for now, I think I can try and contribute a bit here.

sorry mikage the 'trend' comment was meant to be a joke not seriously suggesting people are taking breaks coz its a new trend. Cool to see you back btw