I am kinda stuck here.

Jan 17, 2004
I'm back, some of you might remember me from a few threads about me and how i was trying to get in touch with a lady from a supermarket, and i asked for advice here. Which i definitely got, alot...and very good advice i must add as well. Too bad i didn't had much luck though, she already had someone...but no big deal.

When i talk about things like this, i'm always very open...cause i don't see any reason why not to. Especially on a forum like this...cause like i said..my experience here with conversations like this has been great, lots of good people here that understand and respect any person...and wouldn't laugh or make fun of others...that's what MJ fans are all about, good people :)

I'm not intending on writing a huge message again..i'll try to keep it more brief now.I'm 26 now..... it's been a year and four months since me and my ex girl broke up. Alot of things happened since then...i moved into a house of my own, i live there with my dog. I lost my job, cause my boss decided to retire and basically screw his three workers over. At the start of this year i had a job for three months, but cause of the recession, they let me go..simply no work for me. So unemployed again..at home again.

Now that's not a big problem for me, cause i can manage very well on my own..i always have things to do. Whether it's walking with the dog or watching movies/tv shows, playing a game...all of that. What IS kind of a problem though is ...that i don't go out much, i'm gonna be real honest here now. I don't go out to clubs...that's not my thing..maybe if i had friends...yes, big chance i'd probably will. Problem is...my real friends live like a 2 hour driving (car) distance from me, which kinda sucks.

Basically i have no real friends in my hometown. Therefore i don't see any reason to go out by myself...just no fun, but it is rather a problem. Sure you can say..'hey go make friends' yeah...easier said than done. It's not that i have a problem with being around people and connecting to them, not at all. But going out to a club where they play music i hate...and trying to befriend people...that's just not me. So in that way i am kinda stuck....

So yeah, you could say that during my school years, i should've hung out more with people and make friends, but like i said...i always managed very well on my own. Also had lots of situations with bullies and crap like that..never saw a real reason to make friends.

For quite awhile now staying home and just doing my own things was nice...but far too many moments i feel that i am missing out on things in life. A friend of mine recently said... 'man i am going out with three ladies,maybe even four...etc..etc' and then i think to myself ' ok , i really am doing something wrong now,lol" Not nessecarily the fact that he went out with 3 girls...but the fact i ain't doing shit, ya know.

You might also remember from my previous thread that i was about to sign myself up on dating sites, just check things out. But for some reason...which i can't really explain, cause i simply don't know...i haven't done that at all yet.

I was watching this tv show today , and during this episode a man of like 70 years old told this 30 year old guy 'Trust me, don't live your life too safely...do things..don't stay too simple..cause when you are at my age eventually...you'll be saying why the hell did i live my life so simple?' .

That definitely ringed a bell to me. It's obvious i should take more from life in general than i am doing now. But that's exactly where i am rather stuck and maybe need some advice for. At times i even think going 'see someone' for this might not even be a bad idea....but rather soon i am like 'damn son, you ain't that sad of a case...' . So basically...any advice? What do you folks recommend me, have you been or are you in a similar situation?

Any advice would be great.
Are you going to the MJ concerts or to any of the meetups accompanying them?
Well, I had the same situation as you once. I had too little friends (but that didn't mean they weren't good) living next to me. To be honest, only one lived next to my house. And my university colleagues at the time were nothing special too.

Then something happened. I joined a forum online of a Portuguese band called "The Gift" (they're awesome) and started talking online with a lot of the forum members. Then we decided to make a fan meeting before one of their big concerts.
I made really good friends there. Some I see only occasionally, but others I see almost every weekend! And as friends bring friends, I met my new friends friends, and so I began meeting more and more people.

I hope this brings you some ideas! :)
EDIT: Yikes. Sorry. I don't know why I unloaded my depressing life story on you like that. Very bad day I guess.
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Thanks people for the nice replies...yes i sure as hell am going to Londen. July 30th to be exact. Along with my brother and his girlfriend, and a very good friend of us who is just like me a die-hard MJ fan.

Also going to Bruce Springsteen in Germany on July 3th with my bro and a friend of him. Definitely planning on meeting up with MJ fans ....but i'm pretty sure that's gonna happen. The atmosphere during the HIStory concert in Amsterdam alot of years ago was amazing too...i mean..before the show :)
I find that the best way to make friends if when you see the people on a regular basis, ie school, college, work. I think the best thing for you would be to find a job and then befriend your fellow workers. Easier said than done I know.
I find that the best way to make friends if when you see the people on a regular basis, ie school, college, work. I think the best thing for you would be to find a job and then befriend your fellow workers. Easier said than done I know.

I agree with you! :yes: