I am heartbroken


I have been lurking here since the news first broke, but I'm only just now able to say something.

I am truly, truly heartbroken by this. I can't even bring myself to say the D word. It just doesn't register with me. I can't get used to the "1958-2009" after Michael's name.

I lost my grandmother about six years ago, and the pain I experienced was excruciating. I thought that was it, that was as bad as it would get and I would never feel that way ever again.

I was wrong.

The emotional and physical pain I'm feeling right now is overwhelming. I feel like a part of me, the part that sees all the good and beautiful things in the world, went with Michael. My heart aches for him. All the things I was doing before he left don't mean anything to me now. I need work and I'm running out of money, but I just don't care. I've been freezing cold since it happened, I haven't been able to eat and I can't stop shaking.

I desperately don't want to say goodbye, but I know I have to.

So, goodbye, Michael. I am so proud to say I love you and that love will only grow stronger as time passes. I am so happy and honoured to have been alive during your lifetime to witness your extraordinary talent, humanity and beautiful, beautiful soul.

I will never forget you. :cry:
I dont even think I have a heart now since that man took it away with him......that's not nice of him T_T
I have been lurking here since the news first broke, but I'm only just now able to say something.

I am truly, truly heartbroken by this. I can't even bring myself to say the D word. It just doesn't register with me. I can't get used to the "1958-2009" after Michael's name.

I lost my grandmother about six years ago, and the pain I experienced was excruciating. I thought that was it, that was as bad as it would get and I would never feel that way ever again.

I was wrong.

The emotional and physical pain I'm feeling right now is overwhelming. I feel like a part of me, the part that sees all the good and beautiful things in the world, went with Michael. My heart aches for him. All the things I was doing before he left don't mean anything to me now. I need work and I'm running out of money, but I just don't care. I've been freezing cold since it happened, I haven't been able to eat and I can't stop shaking.

I desperately don't want to say goodbye, but I know I have to.

So, goodbye, Michael. I am so proud to say I love you and that love will only grow stronger as time passes. I am so happy and honoured to have been alive during your lifetime to witness your extraordinary talent, humanity and beautiful, beautiful soul.

I will never forget you. :cry:

Yeah this is very hard. I still find it very hard to believe, to wrap my mind around, and to just accept. Very difficult right now. But we must pray and just ask God for guidance. I will say to anyone out there who is feeling, afraid, lonely and depress to not do anything over the top like wanting to take your life. Just know that God do not want that and Michael, who was a spirtual person,would not want anyone to do such a thing. I would tell folks to just remember the man and his music and celebrate it by living.
Yeah this is very hard. I still find it very hard to believe, to wrap my mind around, and to just accept. Very difficult right now. But we must pray and just ask God for guidance. I will say to anyone out there who is feeling, afraid, lonely and depress to not do anything over the top like wanting to take your life. Just know that God do not want that and Michael, who was a spirtual person,would not want anyone to do such a thing. I would tell folks to just remember the man and his music and celebrate it by living.

Oh no, I would never do anything like that, that is completely out of the question. I feel terrible now, but I know that eventually all of these bad feelings will fade and I'll be left with the incredible love I feel for Michael. And that is totally worth living for.