I am completely AMAZED....


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ft. Lewis, WA
....how someone I don't know personally at all; someone I've never even SEEN in person could become so important in my life. And it's true. Somehow without my ever noticing it, Michael Jackson has become a very important person in my life. Is it wierd to say that? Like I said, I don't know the man, I've never met him, but in the short time I've been a fan of his, my life just seems that much brighter for it. I actually think it's pretty funny how it took a total stranger to help me realize that life is NOT as hard as I made it out to be for so many years. I apologize for the (slightly creepy) gushing, but I really just needed to say out loud that no matter what happens or how strange it sounds, I will always be grateful to Mr. Jackson for being there (even though I'm sure he doesn't know it :lol: ) to keep me from missing out on a lot of the good things I didn't know I needed in my life, like compassion, love, and happiness; and for STILL reminding me of it when I'm about 3 seconds away from being on the 6 o'clock news:lol:. And I will ALWAYS love him for it, even though it still isn't the easiest thing in the world for me to say to ANYONE, let alone someone I don't really know. And if anybody is still reading this soppy lil' thread, thank you for your humor;)
u r not alone :winking:

i think we all need him in our life to a certain extent

Right now though, he is busy elsewhere so ... I am keeping Danny in my life :dribble:

Isn't he lovely ??
I know how you feel one hundred percent!!!!!
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three seconds from being on the six o clock news?

there are many like you...some i know personally...like me..and someone else i know...

and your quote says why there is no getting rid of MJ, without serious consequences to the saboteur. the world needs MJ.. these testimonies are proof of it. thank you for sharing.

he obviously serves a purpose. and it still remains that he singlehandedly saved the music industry. the past twenty five years, and all these musical wannabes who i commend for giving him props, are a testament to that, as well. there'll be no getting rid of him...he's protected, and we are his standing testimony. and no, i'm not saying he's a god....

just an instrument of peace and happiness.
Oh yes, I´m so grateful MJ is with me on this earth, he is one of the worlds greatest blessings... and if he has red my letters to him he already knows it.
As you can see DianaJS, you're definitely not alone ^___^. And that's wonderful, isn't it? That a person we don't even personally know can have such a positive effect on so many peoples' lives? I haven't been a fan forever myself (which is crazy, cuz in my heart of hearts I feel like I have been! Or was one in-waiting in essence, :laugh: ), but when MJ came into my life I really needed that. I was just really down & uninspired and even though I liked his music, I never thought to give MJ himself much thought. Then I started watching his videos, listening to all his music, looking up information on him - and man, I was just sucked in. And a whirlwind of feelings came my way. And suddenly I found myself not just wanting & dreaming about my goals/aspirations, but actually carrying them out - and more importantly, believing they could be carried out. I also found myself actually meeting my artistic needs & using them as outlets where beforehand they had been kind of lost & ignored.

On top of that, as you mentioned, MJ really does have a way of making life seem less difficult. However "juvenile" other people may think his approach & beliefs about life are, there is something to be said about them. He's made me reevaluate some of parts of my life, subconsciously or not, and it's great to have a role model that is compassionate and not just "hard"/ "you can't touch me - I'm a superstar". He's actually good to his fans (though he could be a little more communicative ^_^). And even if MJ is the biggest star on the planet, it's his realism, uniqueness, & concern for the world that makes him simultaneously relatable & yet unbelievable at the same time. He's just so unreal sometimes! (I mean, how can someone be so friggin' talented, beautiful, and be a really nice guy!? LOL) But what ultimately is perhaps the most incredible thing about him is his real zest for life. For someone who's nearly done everything and achieved so much in his life but also faced great difficulty & BS over the years, he has an incredible grasp on & passion for life. And that's one of the most inspiring things to see. When MJ somehow inadvertently gets me in a good mood, the world is my oyster and everything's a little less... major :). Some of the people in my life were (& still are) weirded out by it, but what they'll never understand is just how much positivity & inspiration I draw from MJ. Now I can't understand how people don't see the beautiful person that he is - it stares you in the face if you open your eyes to it.

And I too am a little wary of gushing about it. Aside from my best friend, there's perhaps only one other person I can tell about my love (& obsession - let's not kid ourselves :lol: LOL) for all that is MJ (and boy, does my friend get sick of hearing about it! lol). And even then, that's not exactly comfortably. But if makes me happy (though he evokes a number of other emotions too, but the most important is the happy :) ), I think SCREW IT. I friggin' love this person I don't even know and that's so friggin' weird sometimes, but oh well - it can't be helped :D. I'm definitely grateful for his "presence" in my life because it's overall a positive one. And thank you for sharing - it's nice to know that there are more people in the same boat ^_^.
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Awww, don't feel shy or ashamed about it, plenty of people feel that way DianaJS!

It just shows how inter-connected all of us human beings are. We need one another, whether we know it or not. It's OK to feel that way. Essentially we are one big (dysfunctional) family. :) We are one (at least that's what the philosophers say) :D.

Michael's music has changed my life forever, and he is an important person in my life (I actually think his brothers are amazing as well, and his sisters and his mother are so sweet.)
After reading everything you guys have said, it made me realize something else that makes me happy to be an MJ fan:

The Other Fans

Seriously, I have learned that other MJ fans are some of the most supportive and understanding people I've talked to. And I appreciate that so much:flowers: For somebody like me who's learning to be social again ( or really for the first time), It's been a great way of meeting people and learning how to make friends. Thanks guys! :heart::D
Wow, girl, I am completely with you on this one.

Michael has been a part of my life since FOREVER.
It started when I was 3 and the magic just NEVER STOPPED...

I feel so PROUD to be a Michael Jackson fan. He is an incredible artist and a human being.
There are so many things connected to him that made me the person that I am today. I tend to be tolerant, friendly,understanding, passionate about those little ELEMENTARY THINGS ...

And even though I know that Michael never had a normal childhood, I am so thankful to him for giving me such a wonderful childhood...

His music and his presence in my life has made me a better person...
u r not alone :winking:

i think we all need him in our life to a certain extent

Right now though, he is busy elsewhere so ... I am keeping Danny in my life :dribble:

Isn't he lovely ??

LOL. :rofl: Well, I'm convinced. Now I HAVE to check 'im out while, MJ is off the radar. I've got to admit, I do know OF the New Kids on the Block, but I've never heard their music before. He IS New Kids, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't want to embarrass myself. lol
this is a great thread. and, oh, Lovelyone...so much for today's philosophers, huh?

hehehe (MJ style)!

After reading everything you guys have said, it made me realize something else that makes me happy to be an MJ fan:

The Other Fans

Seriously, I have learned that other MJ fans are some of the most supportive and understanding people I've talked to. And I appreciate that so much:flowers: For somebody like me who's learning to be social again ( or really for the first time), It's been a great way of meeting people and learning how to make friends. Thanks guys! :heart::D

Me too! God, I love Michael Jackson fans (eh hem, for the most part haha)...it's like we're all one big family.