I almost set the danged place on fire!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
First off, I need to give you guys a bit of background information to allow you guys to make sense of this...

I work as a shift manager at a McDonald's restaurant. Part of my responsibilities are to run the restaurant from 4 pm through midnight once or twice a week, where I have to manage the employees, I have to handle costumer complaints etc etc. Basically I have the responsibility for the restaurant and the employees

A week ago I was running the restaurant when an alarm goes off that we thought was the fire-alarm and we evacuated the restaurant. Luckily was false alarm.

Now... yesterday evening I was in charge of the restaurant as well when out of the blue someone says "Uhm... Minnie, the fryer is on fire".

The past week everyone has been making fun of me for evacuating the restaurant, so I was just laughing going "Yeah... very funny" but they insisted, "Minnie... the fryer is on fire" so I go over there, and I see 3 feet tall flames coming from one of the deep friers!!!!

My first reaction was to yell "Where's the fire instiguisher" before I realize that all deep fyers have something called an ansul system that can kill a fire. I do know that pulling these is something you only do when you have no other options, and I had NO idea how it would work... but there was no way I was gonna put a metal lid on top of 3 feet tall flames with my bare hand!!!

So I pull the ansul system, causing green liquid to pour onto the flames and they did kill the flames

The whole place stank really bad for a bit over an hour (We opened all doors, except the back door) and a few of my employees said they felt bad. I told them to get plenty to drink, go out and get some fresh air, and let me know if it didn't get better. I felt slightly nauseus for the rest of the evening, but I think it was the stress...

About an hour later our grills crash for over an hour before I was able to get them back up with the help of my boss and our technician... GAH!!!

Let's just say I am NOT looking forward to my next shift!
these things happen, especially in food preparation, dont be too hard on yourself, you did the best thing you could do, you avoided injury for yourself and the rest of your staff, you did the right thing :)

yea defo never try and put a lid on those kinds of fires! hehehe
like what db said, as along as u and your staff are safe are safe & sound that all that matters :)
LOL you did the right thing by using the fire system, actually the Ansul systems were designed and engineered specially for McDonald's kitchens so I think they should have trained you to use it...
God, that must have been scary. I remember ages ago setting a chip pan on fire in my own home (I was trying to multitask!!). For a split second I just stood there in shock, it was so scary. Luckily I came too and remembered what to do and no harm was done. Mind you, I don't own a chip pan now, if we have chips, which isn't often, I use oven ones, lol!!
First off, I need to give you guys a bit of background information to allow you guys to make sense of this...

I work as a shift manager at a McDonald's restaurant. Part of my responsibilities are to run the restaurant from 4 pm through midnight once or twice a week, where I have to manage the employees, I have to handle costumer complaints etc etc. Basically I have the responsibility for the restaurant and the employees

A week ago I was running the restaurant when an alarm goes off that we thought was the fire-alarm and we evacuated the restaurant. Luckily was false alarm.

Now... yesterday evening I was in charge of the restaurant as well when out of the blue someone says "Uhm... Minnie, the fryer is on fire".

The past week everyone has been making fun of me for evacuating the restaurant, so I was just laughing going "Yeah... very funny" but they insisted, "Minnie... the fryer is on fire" so I go over there, and I see 3 feet tall flames coming from one of the deep friers!!!!

My first reaction was to yell "Where's the fire instiguisher" before I realize that all deep fyers have something called an ansul system that can kill a fire. I do know that pulling these is something you only do when you have no other options, and I had NO idea how it would work... but there was no way I was gonna put a metal lid on top of 3 feet tall flames with my bare hand!!!

So I pull the ansul system, causing green liquid to pour onto the flames and they did kill the flames

The whole place stank really bad for a bit over an hour (We opened all doors, except the back door) and a few of my employees said they felt bad. I told them to get plenty to drink, go out and get some fresh air, and let me know if it didn't get better. I felt slightly nauseus for the rest of the evening, but I think it was the stress...

About an hour later our grills crash for over an hour before I was able to get them back up with the help of my boss and our technician... GAH!!!

Let's just say I am NOT looking forward to my next shift!

Dear Minnie,
First and formost whether or not this anul system is expensive to utilize or not...that saftey switch is there for a reason. Being a manager of a resturant at one time for 15 years and or most of my career life...

One of managements most important responsibility is to "protect" your guests and your employees at all costs.

Life is very precious...Material possessions can "always" be replaced...

If I were the owner of your work place, I would be very honored and proud to have you on my management team..!

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth...Education Is The Key~~~