"I ain't scared of no sheets"


Proud Member
Sep 25, 2008
South Korea
Remember Phonte of Little Brother (a hiphop group, for those who never heard of them) wrote a blog as his own tribute to Michael? One of the things that caught my eye is that he made efforts to show others Michael was pro-black. I'm thankful for that cuz I know some people think he was a sell-out or wanted to white or wasn't down, or whatever...

He took several examples to back up his opinion and one of the things mentioned was this one line from Black Or White: "I ain't scared of no sheets." In fact, I still don't know what exactly this means, but I can guess, from the context it was brought up (MJ being proud of his blackness), "the sheets" means the members of KKK? They wore white cloths from head to toe, you know, with these two eye holes...Scary image.

*for those who haven't read it or forgot about it
:lol: I'd be incredibly surprised if that didn't refer to the KKK.
Actually, Ku Klux Klan members didn't all wear white. Some had red, blue, or black. I think it had to do with different levels.
I figured he was talking about the KKK. I didn't know they wore other colored robes, I thought it was mainly the white ones. Well, at least, that's what they are mainly known for wearing
I was pretty sure that's what it referred to as well. Yes they wore different colors, but mostly when you see them portrayed on TV it's usually white sheets. I assumed thats what he was talking about. Hell, I loved it. Anyone who thought Michael didn't want to be Black obviously knew nothing about him.
well obviously, lol or he would be talking about the evil bed sheets on his bed.

great article.
i was wondering what this was about coming in lol.
It took me a while to make the KKK connection.
I always thought he meant "sheets" as in paper documents where people are suing him and stuff.:doh:
I always thought he said 'I aint scared of no buddas, I aint scared of no sikhs'

Then when I knew he said sheets I thought he meant sheets as in white people - white the colour of bed sheets...as in he wasn't scared of any racist white people.

...lol i dnt know. Now I see he probably meant the KKK!
"sheets" is a slang term for a police record. For exapmple, when someone is arrested, one officer can ask another "does the criminal have any sheets?" I don't know if that's what MJ meant by it, but thats what I've always known sheets to mean.
I always thought he said 'I aint scared of no buddas, I aint scared of no sikhs'

Then when I knew he said sheets I thought he meant sheets as in white people - white the colour of bed sheets...as in he wasn't scared of any racist white people.

...lol i dnt know. Now I see he probably meant the KKK!

scared of no buddas LOL OH no the peaceful buddhist monks who have sworn to do no harm or violence are chasing me LOL
I never knew what the heck he was saying during that part so I looked up the lyrics. I knew "I ain't scared of no sheets" must have been symbolic for something. KKK does make sense.
Thank you for the link to that article. Very well written w/ lots of common sense.
Hmmm, I never made that connection,
I always thought I heard the lyrics wrong, I didn't bother to look it up and kept singing it like that.
But I always thought: "Wow, Mike, you aren't scared of sheets? wow, you are so brave :giggle: not everyone can say that, right" LOL, I thought it was funny
Sheets is a slang term for police records. That's what I always took it to mean.
That line always made me think of the hats KKK would wear. Dunno why lol.
lol I just read the first page and that's what pretty much everyone else is saying too :lol: now I don't feel so dumb :ninja:
KKK, Michael had many messages in his music, he was really a trouble maker hahaha, just a rebel
i often wondered what MJ meant by "sheets" too.
aint it funny how you feel daft when the obvious is pointed out to you....Dohhh!!!
KKK, Michael had many messages in his music, he was really a trouble maker hahaha, just a rebel

yes he did...that is a part of Michael I loved he used his lyrics to get his points across......and oh yes I agree he was a rebel...lmao.....gotta love that Michael..:laugh:
I think Michael put lyrics like that in it because he wanted people to think "What's that about", "What's does he mean?" etc. it draws attention to the song which usually has a message to get across so when he puts these lyrics in it's drawing people to the message.
Haha to be honest I wasn't sure exactly what he said during those lines! I just never felt the need to look up the lyrics haha. It all makes such sense now haha. How silly of me not to notice! And a great meaning too! Just beat it! Beat the hate!
lol i dont want to sound racist but yeah..for black people it was clear he was talking about the KKK..thats what some black folk call them. im from the south and me and my family have had plenty of experiences with them...they are still very much active unfortunantely :)