

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
et sted i det kalde nord:)

Hi! Having to work with my exam, I cant take part in the celebration of our national day here in Norway, so I thought I just celebrate with sharing it with you all.
I wish I was home, and celebrating with my family and friends, its a great day especially for children. The main thing with the whole day is that its a day for the children. This picture is form Oslo, where all the children schools parade in through the town and pass by the castle and the royal family. Apart from parades with all the children schools in the area, its a day with family and friends and lots of good food, and games. Anoter thing is that its a day for using our national costumes. I want one, and am going to get one when I can afford it ( its hand embroidered, so its very expensive and its possible to make it yourself but its very complicated).

I like that its no millitary theme in the celebration, and that has been a long tradition.
And I like thaty its a colourful parade, because this day is for everyone, as its a celebration of freedom.:D
Next year, I will celebrate this day the normal way........:yes:
Happy National Day to you Movingcoolcat.

I still believe Norway is the best country in this whole wide world.

The end.

Oh, follows by Australia for being such a charm in a lot of ways. Then Sweden, Switzerland and the list goes on.

The end.
Thank you Rebirth:)
I don`t think its the best country in the world, but I admit I am proud of my country ( feels kind of weird to say it, goes all against all the things thats part of my heritage- its one of those things you just don`t say if you are norwegian, we are not supposed to be nationalistic or think we are the best at anything- kind of hard to explain, but goes with being a small country, that has been very poor).

You are most welcome, and the opportunities are good for skillful people here, if you want to try it out..........:yes:

Hpoe you are doing good? Read somewhere that you went independent work wise? How is it working out?
( not mentioning anything about the weather, taxes, and tendency to be rather "stiff" as a people...........)

Just wondering; how do people feel about their country? Are you proud of it, of the culture, the history etc..? Please share
Well Norway ranks well when it comes to quality of life, gay rights, economy etc.

Hey who knows maybe I will visit Norway in the future. It would be great.

Hpoe you are doing good? Read somewhere that you went independent work wise? How is it working out?
( not mentioning anything about the weather, taxes, and tendency to be rather "stiff" as a people...........)
Yes, I have resigned from working full time at this one advertising company. It was about time as it was driving me nuts. Now I am fully free. Currently I am running my own business, which is in video production field. I do project by appointment only hence I can spend more quality time for my boyfriend and myself. But of course there is a schedule to work and to play. So far everything goes well.

But strangely as much as I love video production, there is another business field that I would like to try out in the future. I would like to have my own furnishing line producing pillow cases, sheet sets etc. If not, opening a shop selling furniture and art would do. We will see. This idea has been reserved for the future.

There is another project that is in the making. It has nothing to do with video production. Sort of. But I rather zip my mouth for now. When the time comes, I will blab about it. lol.

Just wondering; how do people feel about their country? Are you proud of it, of the culture, the history etc..? Please share[
I would not say that I'm patriotic but I still appreciate for our heroes who fought for independence as well as communist. I guess I can be defensive if people talk falsely about my country. But if the story is true even if its negative then go ahead and discuss about it. I love my country. It's great but it has flaws.

For an Islamic country, I would say my country can be considered as loose and not over tight like certain Islamic countries out there. You can see Muslim women wearing head scarves but at the same time you can still see Muslim and non Muslim women wearing short skirts and bare it all clothes. I think this is due to the fact that we have three main races - Malay, Chinese and Indian practicing a number of religions - all living together. So we stay neutral.

I love our culture. Even though we have three main races living together, we are respectful and friendly to each other. But I have to admit, I do believe that currently we have few people from each race trying to provoke race-based tension. That saddens me.

Malaysia, I must admit though is one hell of shopping heaven. lol.

But like I have said before, we still have flaws. Although the Malaysian constitution theoretically guarantees religious freedom, we still have some sort of restriction. If you are a Malay, that will automatically makes you a Muslim. If you are a Malay and would like to change your religion, boy, horror's waiting. Court to court. People will protest and riot. Nonetheless if you are non Malay and non Muslim and would like to convert into Islam, cheers from people and you will be be a positive headline news in newspapers. See the hypocrisy?

Another problem that I am personally experiencing is being gay without having gay rights and freedom to be who I am at all. I am trapped as long as I am in my country, Malaysia. What makes it worse is I am a Malay and a Muslim. That is not a good combination at all.

My parents are in denial that I am gay. They have forgotten about it and probably think that I have come clean from being gay. Nonetheless my little brother already shut me out of his life. You can see how much hate and anger he has for me through his eyes. He hasn't talked me for 5 to 6 years now. I also haven't talked to my big brother for about 13 years. My family is quite religious. I was too until I rediscovered myself and some other stuff. So now I am no longer a religious man like I used to be.

Gay, HIV and AIDS are considered to be taboo and sensitive issues in this country. Be it for any race and any religion. Gays are not acceptable in any culture and religion. But you can still find gay parties in the urban city of KL. But hidden of course.

I do not know for other race but for Malay guys who are gays, they would only have two options. Act straight for the rest of your life and get married for the sake of your family or run to a different country. It is amusing and sad to see at the same time when there are gay guys out there that have to cover their gay identity by using this one excuse - that they are not gays but Metrosexual guys.

As for me, 99% of people still do not know that I am gay. One client of mine does reckon that I am gay but he doesn't mind. Another friend who happens to be a hardcore Michael Jackson fan found out that I'm gay (somehow someway) and now he is avoiding me. Pfft.

I don't feel comfortable by telling all these in this forum as I do know that we have other Malaysian fans in this forum. Big story or small can spread like wildfire in Malaysia. But I have to take the risk and live my life. This is the first step.

Sorry for the long story. My boyfriend said 'Oh here goes, another long novel ..." lol
Sorry for my rather confusing reply, Rebirth- what i meant to say was that you are most welcome to Norway and I am shore you would find lots of opportunities here, but that the weather, taxes and rather "stiff" people may be a bit less tempting.

I think my exams and working day and night for some time now, has made my head a bit slow.........:doh:

I know a bit about your situation , and I so wish things works out for you and your boyfriend. I know there are people who are gay that has a tough time here too, but in general people do not have a problem with it at all. I think the new marriage law is due now, and will make gay marriage completely equal when it comes to any parts of the law. I know that a few people are uncomfortable with it, but its not a very big deal.
Quite a few prominent people are open about being gay ( like one of our past minister of finance and national economy).

Its actually a very nice story about this: the minister who handles this questions in regards to adoption etc...( family law), has a son who is gay. She is also a very conservative christian. And has been very open about how this conflict of interest has affected her. She has also been very open about her son being gay, and how conversations and discussions with her son and in her family has affected her decision to agree on a new marriage law. I think that is a very brave thing, and makes her as a politician and human being very honest and very brave.

Maybe that is part of being sutch a small country. If politicians or people who hold important positions mess up, its pretty obvious. Its very difficult to hide something.
And I think we forgive people for messing up, if they are indeed honest about it.
Most of the system we have here are based on trust. The system can easily be exploited ( and of course some do), but the majority are accepting the high taxes, and the beurocracy, cause we know that we have back- up when needed.
I only hope people keep being faithful to this system, and don`t end up completely spoiled and f- up everything. Its a lot of complaining here, its almost a national sport:smilerolleyes:

I would love to travel more in Asia one day. Its a beutiful part of the world, and great people.
And as I said, norwegians are kind of "stiff"-_- So I am very happy that we have has some more influence from people moving here. It was a very homogenous country, so we needed the influence of other cultures.
Its one of the great things on 17 of mai too, to see all the different colours of the children walking by and holding a norwegian flag. Makes my heart smile:yes:

Hey- I am studying product design, so your idea about making a furnishing line sounds very interesting. I for shore love working in this field:yes:

I feel the same as you about your country; I love my country, but I also know it has its flaws. Some is good, and some tings needs to be worked on. But I appreciate my freedom, the peace and the security we have.

I send you a hug, Rebirth. Been thinking about how you were doing a while ago, as I know your story. And I have one gay man in my class, and he is sutch a sweet person. And I hate it when people are treated badly for just being who they are. he is not, as his family is fine with it, he lives with his boyfriend and everything is just, well treated as what it is; normal. I wish this world could be better. And that is what you telling your story is part of; making the world a better place, as the truth and daring to be who you are and loving the people you love openly makes a change for the better.
Keep building your life, and keep on to your dreams:)
Firstly Happy national day MC :flowers: sorry you had work on your exam I hope you went well with it all :)

I'd love to see Norway ^_^

Just wondering; how do people feel about their country? Are you proud of it, of the culture, the history etc..? Please share
I love my country (australia) we are truly the lucky country :) I love the australian way of life, we're a laid back lot but we also have one of the hardest work ethics in the world. We are the driest contient on the planet and because of that our farmers struggle with crazy weather patterns and dry land.
We believe in giving everyone a fair go and we don't take everything as serious as others might and because of that I guess that might explain why we're not as celebrity crazy as some countries.

We've got parts of our history that I'm not proud of such as the earlier treatment of indigenous australians, but we're doing what we can to make things right. We've lost brave Australians in wartime, and our troops today along with our ASIO (our top elite police/secret service etc) are considered in the best in the world.

We've got a bit of a strong sport loving culture within us too and because of that we've run the most successful olympics ever :) I hope we get another chance because it was an amazing mark in our history :)

Rebirth, the insight you give to Malaysia and the gay culture there is really interesting as well as frustrating. Hopefully you can find a solution that leads to your happiness because I truly believe you deserve it :flowers:
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Hi L.J:)
I would love to see Australia. I have a friend who studied there and really loved it.
My impression too is that its a laid back and fun loving people.

Its interesting to hear about how people feel about their culture and country. Because we all have some things we love, and are proud of. And the differences is what makes this world sutch a great place, with so mutch to explore. Its a big difference between being nationalistic and being proud of your heritage. Knowing who you are, and what you come from enable you to meet others with a more open and accepting mind, I think:)
Politic in Malaysia is getting really bad.

It's like watching little children pulling each other's hair and blaming each other for starting it. These politic people are acting somewhat ridiculous and childish at the same time.

It is rather annoying than frustrating.