HSM, Glee, Hannah Montana fans must see this

Moon Dancer

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Lost in the twilight zone
I notice these days it is quite popular musicals like this.
Especially in teenagers who probably never liked Michael Jackson or just ignored him.

Well I say to them, This is it.
This is The Thing

"This is it" is the master of all, pop music concerts and musicals.

-High Scool Musical and Glee. This is it::: It is real, it is not acted.

-Hannah Montana, OK, has Miley Cyrus, The Jonas, the Jonas::: "This is it" has the King of Music. The last greatest star preparing his last master piece is on stage this time.

"This is it" fans of teenagers musicals, This is The Thing.

Just a thought :D:yes:
I am a teen and I NEVER LIKED HM and especially HSM! No offence to Kenny Ortega :)

I stick true to the oldies. I dunno why but I have always been attracted to 70's-80's music. I love the 90's too, and I'm glad I was alive to appreciate it.

For really good music today, you have to dig really hard to find one.

P.S. Mike is in a way different calibre, league and TALENT than manufactured Disney pop stars....
Never cared for Jonas brothers are anyone except for Miley Cyrus, Demi lovato , and maybe Selena. I like the disney trio of girls but that's it Everyone else can go jump off a cliff for all I care. After seeing this movie I'm amazed how Disney could have gotten Ortega for HSM and the Hannah concerts yep Ortega did Hannah Montana 3D
I don't know why comparisons are being made between MJ's film and teenybopper musicals. I would akin This Is It more to In Bed With Madonna or Prince's Sign O The Times movie.
HSM is so cheesy. I just cannot take it.

I find myself sitting there watching it and getting into the story. Then they break out into a really cheesy song.

I realise that is what most musicals do, but theres just something about HSm that makes it so cheesy. Ugh