How you are after Michael´s die?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brazil- Campo Grande - MS
I dont´ sleep all nigth deeply, i dreamed about Michael Jackson every night, many fans are depressive and they doesn´t eat or sleep... and you?
I guess I'm doing somewhat better than most because I am so busy making MJ's Innocence Bracelets that I don't even have time to be depressed--I feel his energy here constantly!

It takes rare courage to carry on his legacy like this.
I also been having trouble sleeping because of my constant vivid MJ dreaming. I have been sleeping alot in the day time because my MJ dreams are not so bad in the day time. As they are at night. And eating is something I really don't do much of anymore. In the past month I had lost over 30 pounds because of that. I am lucky if I can manage to eat 1 small plateful of food in a day. I am always feeling depress and sad. Because I just miss Michael so damn much. And I would give anything to have him back.
I dont´ sleep all nigth deeply, i dreamed about Michael Jackson every night, many fans are depressive and they doesn´t eat or sleep... and you?

Im depressed too :(

I would give anything to be able to bring michael back...