How would YOU handle Michael"s comeback ?

The Healer

Proud Member
May 15, 2009
Let us go back in time and pretend that it is 2009 all over again and that you are Michael"s manager. I thought about it a I see it.
If I was his manager , there would be a single first , something so new , new sound like only Michael could do it. A ground breaking song , with a mind-blowing short film to follow.
There would be no least for a long time. Maybe 5 or 10 shows but with new songs and only few classics , like Thriller , Billie Jean or TDCAU.
Can you imagine Michael performing We"ve had enough , Whatever happens , Shout..etc ???
How fantastic that would be.:swoon:
I must say , in my mind , it would be a lot different than TII. How about you ?
If I was his manager, I would tell him to NEVER TOUR AGAIN. The reason for this is because of what each show put him through.New songs if he wanted, but no tours.
If I were MJ's manager.... Well I always thought the rumoured album name resurrection was a great idea, so I'll go with that. MJ would be in hiding doing no promotion at all for the album, his site would just be plain black with a countdown to the album being released, adverts with timers till the albums release would be everywhere.
Then when the album is already released perform at the Superbowl again, his first performance in years with a huge international viewing, his performance would consist of only new music no BJ or other hits, then release a single with a great music video, perform the song on the big shows around the world (American Idol, X-Factor etc.).
I would let MJ tour if it was what he wanted because he said he feels at home on stage, but the dates would be very easy for him, a date or 2 a week maybe nothing very strenuous for him. Then maybe a huge residency in Las Vegas like was offered to him, shattering worldwide records, again the dates would be very spread out for him though.
I would be scared, lol. Never saw anyone coming from the dead. :bugeyed
If I was Michael's manager...well,first of all i would be his friend.And with this i mean,is health would come first.Michael seemed so thin and sometimes so tired...First i would try to care as much as possible,of the Human,the person Michael was.I couldn't care less if He would have to wait to Tour again,because to me,a true fan always chooses to have the idol well and alive,than how things are right now.So in my thoughts,fans would understand if he didn't tour or did any show.
Only when i saw Michael healthy,i would think in a Tour.The way things were...sorry but no.
To me Michael was more than just an artist.And if i was his manager,i would love to be his best friend if i could.I would have done everything possible and impossible to save him and love him.
I'd be trying to support him in the things he really wanted to do. Whatever that was. "I wanna perform the songs my fans wanna hear"- hm, perhaps a little bit less 'production value'. I love watching TII because they are his last images- but the set list frankly sounds as if the suits made the final choice, you know, top 40. And the movie reflected that even more in the sense that we barely saw anything from Dirty Diana, Dangerous etc.

How many fans have longed to see Who is it, Remember the Time etc. I remember Michael Bearden relaying that Michael said "I'm too old to sing ABC, Bearden"- if he said that- then it's not hard to imagine he said a few more things. Remember how the crew said that even 16 bars of 'Threatened' ROCKED- I bet they would have loved to do that one. Was TII created for editors who only remember Michael in the 80ies or something???

And largely I would have tried to find collaborators with an actual artistic sense and appreciation, I'm not one to accuse Randy Philipps of conspiracy- but the way he testified in court left an incredibly strange taste in my mouth on a human level. You're in court to testify what you know about the death of one of the greatest artists of our time- and you refer to him as 'hot commodity'?? Just freakin' yikes. On top of that I nearly laughed my head off how the suits apparently forgot that they are dealing with Michael Jackson- he sells out in minutes. People would buy tickets to just see Michael stand on stage drinking a Red Bull- and they still all nagged him. Who needs to get married if the suits nag you to death??

I would have tried finding him collaborators that would have made that undertaking both financially rewarding, as well as artistically something inspiring. Come up with something completely new- create a new genre. Get a great movie director to co--direct and help Michael to create a new cross breed between movie and music show, so that he can both show his kids what the music was all about- and let him realize the movie aspirations he had. Be creative about that. And it would have been less stressful as well. Still would have drawn huge crowds, Guinness records. Yes, I understand the undertaking that TII represented.
I think the vision behind TII was awesome, but was kinda playing it safe.

Anyway, that's my watercooler-know-it-all-better contribution. If he wanted to play 2 shows in Egypt in front of a pyramid- I would have supported that. My favorite way out there idea is Michael actually on the moon moonwalking. Coming to you live from Houston! A Billie Jean performance on the moon- now THAT would have been a unique record. Show that in front of an audience- and then let him come up and do that one live. I know, financial pipe dream. But funny to envision.
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My favorite way out there idea is Michael actually on the moon moonwalking. Coming to you live from Houston! A Billie Jean performance on the moon- now THAT would have been a unique record. Show that in front of an audience- and then let him come up and do that one live.

That would have been epic! :jumpcrazy
If I was Michael's manager...well,first of all i would be his friend.And with this i mean,is health would come first.Michael seemed so thin and sometimes so tired...First i would try to care as much as possible,of the Human,the person Michael was.I couldn't care less if He would have to wait to Tour again,because to me,a true fan always chooses to have the idol well and alive,than how things are right now.So in my thoughts,fans would understand if he didn't tour or did any show.
Only when i saw Michael healthy,i would think in a Tour.The way things were...sorry but no.
To me Michael was more than just an artist.And if i was his manager,i would love to be his best friend if i could.I would have done everything possible and impossible to save him and love him.

I couldn't have said any better, MariaJS ;)

I would first take care of Michael... See that's he 'eats' properly... sleeps 'properly' without all that stuff :doh: make sure he has a 'decent' doctor :beee:

THEN ONLY I would allow Michael to come back to 'work' or in his case the 'stage' to 'rehearse' for a tour...
I mean come on, Michael had a 'chest infection' :blink: and STILL had to 'perform' :no:
Health and healing comes before working okay...
You'd think that with $1000000 a month Murray would have 'thought'. What does a dancer need after a rehearsal? I bet you that a decent massage after that shower and some oil dripping on your forehead would have been a slightly better ticket than waffling verbally about meditating.
So many things went wrong with TII. I wish it could have been different.
You know , I do wonder ...considering that Michael had so many songs in the vault and constantly making music , why nothing was relesed for so long ?!
I know..2005 trial..but there were rumors about a NEW album in 2007 , and we had a new Thriller. I guess most of the fans would be happy with new songs and new brilliant short-films , without the tour.
Whos "s idea was it , after all ?