How would you deal with the Michael jackson FAME


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
South East London
Some thing Avram said about MJ sayng he has done it all, what more is left to do'
It takes me back to the poem MJ wrote to his mother:

...And now that I have come so far
Met with every King and Czar
Encountered every colour and creed
Of every passion, every greed...

We have been with Michael through the 'best of times, and the worst of times. We cried with him, laugh with him, carried him when he was too weak to walk raised him up when he needed a helping hand.
On reflection, MJ's life is so unique that I often wonder how such fame affect the psychy. How does one cope with being the most famous person in the world.

This is not a feeling sorry for MJ thread. So please, no sobbing in here. Just imagine you were that famous, how would you cope. Would it change you in anyway? Should it change you?
Japanese airport, 2007
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I'm not sure. I mean, if I still had the same background I have now, the same personality, thoughts, and life experiences I have now, then I'm pretty sure I would have gone cheerfully insane, and taken about 3 other people with me:lol: But if I had grown up completely different than I was, and not gone through some of the things I have to make me the person I am now, than maybe I would have different views and different coping mechanisms. But I really think that how you handle something like that depends on if you grow up famous like MJ did, or if you just became famous later and had a normal life early on. But I can safely say that as the person I am now, there is no way I would have the strength to go through some of the things MJ has.
I'm not sure. I mean, if I still had the same background I have now, the same personality, thoughts, and life experiences I have now, then I'm pretty sure I would have gone cheerfully insane, and taken about 3 other people with me:lol: But if I had grown up completely different than I was, and not gone through some of the things I have to make me the person I am now, than maybe I would have different views and different coping mechanisms. But I really think that how you handle something like that depends on if you grow up famous like MJ did, or if you just became famous later and had a normal life early on. But I can safely say that as the person I am now, there is no way I would have the strength to go through some of the things MJ has.
You have made some really valid point here. I was going to inject it into the discussion. The factor in MJ's coping so well has much to do with his being a child star from so young an age, therefore, no sudden change of life-style, also an added bonus is that all his siblings were famous too.
I think it would be really WIERD. I mean, all of a sudden, people coming out of the woodwork to get a glimpse, or find out more about me, or just greeting me on the street would definitely be just plain wierd!! LOL!

You know, people chasing you down the street...I'd probably stop, put up my bullhorn and yell "Okay People!! Move on!! There is NOTHING to see here"!!!
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I think it would be really WIERD. I mean, all of a sudden, people coming out of the woodwork to get a glimpse, or find out more about me, or just greeting me on the street would definitely be just plain wierd!! LOL!
Hi, Linda, how you doing? Yes, this would be weird, to begin with, but if, you've had 30 plus years of it, won't you just get used to it?:D
Hi, Linda, how you doing? Yes, this would be weird, to begin with, but if, you've had 30 plus years of it, won't you just get used to it?:D

Datsy, I don't know...maybe if I had 30 plus years of it...but not now!! But, if I lived with it day to day, I guess...I don't know...
I belive that we all have "something to do" on this life at this world. Im shure that fame was on Gods plans of life for Michael, so he was prepared for that, and is doing a great job! But im shure thats not Gods plans for me... i would be really scared if i was a famous person... cause i love to go to places where no one knows me!!! I gess i would get crazy if that happens to me, im not prepared for that!
I belive that we all have "something to do" on this life at this world. Im shure that fame was on Gods plans of life for Michael, so he was prepared for that, and is doing a great job! But im shure thats not Gods plans for me... i would be really scared if i was a famous person... cause i love to go to places where no one knows me!!! I gess i would get crazy if that happens to me, im not prepared for that!

I agree with that part of it. If I decided to just go to the mall one day, and all sudden got mobbed by about a hundred or so many people all at the same time, I would freak out really bad. I don't think I could deal with it ONE DAY let alone every day.
Sure it would change me!

I'd feel MASSIVE pressure to LOOK good all the time (like basically all celebrties--makeup, hair, plastic surgery, etc), becuase people are always taking pictures and talking about how you look. And I'd have to monitor my every word in interviews and in public, because that would be recorded and blasted all over the magazines and news papers if I slipped out of line. I'm a person who likes my privacy, so that'd probably kill me too!

One more thing--I'd probably get a little big-headed. I mean how could you not?! If at some point in your life, you're the most famous, admired, successful entertainer out there--it would be hard not to get just a TAD bit cocky.
Sure it would change me!

I'd feel MASSIVE pressure to LOOK good all the time (like basically all celebrties--makeup, hair, plastic surgery, etc), becuase people are always taking pictures and talking about how you look. And I'd have to monitor my every word in interviews and in public, because that would be recorded and blasted all over the magazines and news papers if I slipped out of line. I'm a person who likes my privacy, so that'd probably kill me too!

One more thing--I'd probably get a little big-headed. I mean how could you not?! If at some point in your life, you're the most famous, admired, successful entertainer out there--it would be hard not to get just a TAD bit cocky.
Yes, indeed.:D
I would probably try to fight it somewhat at first. Trying to live life as I always had, though I can see that probably really isn't so easy or possible. I like how Michael had his kids go through first and quickly so they didn't have to feel the full force of what he does. I often wondered if things would be different for him if he went out more often and was more of a common sight, but probably not. I guess he needs his body guards and body doubles and all the measures he takes. I would have to adjust as anyone would have to. People are pretty adaptable. I think I would have to invest in some good ear plugs cause I'm already partially deaf and the screams in my ear would finish me off :lol: I'd also probably take various measures depending on where I was and my mood. I think there must be some places he could go where he would be free to walk around without too much difficulty, though thats probably why he made neverland. A place to just enjoy being himself without being mauled. I'd invest in some realistic costumes to hide who I was. I would probably try being inconspicuous. I would probably also try out seeing if I could do what other (not as famous, but still famous) people do and walk out as myself toned down some. If I did that enough, maybe people would become accustomed to seeing me. I would probably try all kinds of different thigs, but most importantly, I would have to know myself very well so that I didn't take to heart criticisms from those who really don't know me.
Some thing Avram said about MJ sayng he has done it all, what more is left to do'
It takes me back to the poem MJ wrote to his mother:

...And now that I have come so far
Met with every King and Czar
Encountered every colour and creed
Of every passion, every greed...

We have been with Michael through the 'best of times, and the worst of times. We cried with him, laugh with him, carried him when he was too weak to walk raised him up when he needed a helping hand.
On reflection, MJ's life is so unique that I often wonder how such fame affect the psychy. How does one cope with being the most famous person in the world.

This is not a feeling sorry for MJ thread. So please, no sobbing in here. Just imagine you were that famous, how would you cope. Would it change you in anyway? Should it change you?
Japanese airport, 2007

and he also carried us when we were down, and held our hand, musically when we needed it. i don't care how it sounds...but i think i would have literally died a physical death if i didn't get my first copy of Invincible, when it first came out.

can't answer your question,
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and he also carried us when we were down, and held our hand, musically when we needed it.

can't answer your question,
Too true, what a responsibility, no wonder he wrote Will You be threre.
Oh Vnc, I so wanted to read your answer.:p
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Mr.Jackson has been in the business a very long time, he knows the ins and outs of public appearences, security, and what needs to be in place in order to maintain safety...

At first it would be alittle overwhelming, but one (s) would get used to it...

That type of exposer comes with the territory. One (s) would have to deal with it.
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a Blessing and a curse and since so many folks have depended on his every move back when he was a Kid act, those shoes would be hard to fill until once you understand the choices.
It's impossible to say, really. No one here know's even remotely what that would be like, to wake up knowing who you are. I don't think anyone knows how they would react or deal with that kind of fame. There are advantages and disadvantages. For someone who really cares about their privacy, I think it would be very hard.
Well, it would never happen because I'm just not talented enough to warrant the kind of attention MJ gets....obviously lol. :lol: But if for some reason, people went totally insane over me the same way they do over him.....hmmm, I don't know. I guess I would move somewhere remote, where not a lot of people live and I could live a quiet life, spending a lot of time outside with nature. And maybe build a big fence around it kind of like Neverland has to keep out the crazy trespassing fans! I would also don many disguises. I don't think I could deal with that kind of fame otherwise. I really cannot fully imagine what it would be like, though. I am a private person, and it is not right the way people treat celebrities lives like their property. I would be deeply hurt by the tabloids printed about me, and I don't think I would be able to ignore them as calmly as MJ usually does. I know he's expressed his feelings about sensationalism many times, but what I mean is that he doesn't usually directly address the people writing the things about him. I would probably try to sue them or something.
Well, for me personally I would view things like this: if God were to will for me to have this kind of fame then he would equip me to be able to deal with it. And I would guess He would only do that if it were a calll on my life; just as I believe it is the call on Michael Jackson's life.

I would suffer loss, there's no doubt about it, for I already live, in a way, a rather secluded life where when I do get out among people, especially if I go and sit in a restaurant by myself with no one paying a bit of attention to me, it is most therapeutic. I get re-vitalized by it; it is a way God has given me to help me with my long stretches of time at home. But that would have to go away if there was great amount of fame.

So...I have faith, if I were to become ultra famous, that God would bring other means to help me cope...something special for me to do to keep me happy and going forward and to deal and to feel refreshed when it gets too hard. I would think God has supplied special things for Michael Jackson, to do, to help him through it, as well. :)
I think if I were to become famous now, I would try to stay as humble as I could, If I had been famous my entire life, I think it would just be normal, it would be what I know just like my life is now. I think a lot of people feel bad for Michael, because we realize all the things he can't do, that we take for granted most of the time, I feel for him sometimes, but really he has what we all have when it comes to the important things (family, close friends...), but think of all the things he has or all the things he has done that we will never know. He truly has a beautiful life and he is very lucky. He lives a life like no other, he has so much more wisdom, he sees things so different and I believe that is part of the reason his music is so powerful. I think we feel for him sometimes, because his life seems scary to us, but to him I think he finds it scary to be like us, I think he is very happy with his life...with a few curiosities and complaints like the rest of us...just about different things.
Well, for me personally I would view things like this: if God were to will for me to have this kind of fame then he would equip me to be able to deal with it. And I would guess He would only do that if it were a calll on my life; just as I believe it is the call on Michael Jackson's life.

I would suffer loss, there's no doubt about it, for I already live, in a way, a rather secluded life where when I do get out among people, especially if I go and sit in a restaurant by myself with no one paying a bit of attention to me, it is most therapeutic. I get re-vitalized by it; it is a way God has given me to help me with my long stretches of time at home. But that would have to go away if there was great amount of fame.

So...I have faith, if I were to become ultra famous, that God would bring other means to help me cope...something special for me to do to keep me happy and going forward and to deal and to feel refreshed when it gets too hard. I would think God has supplied special things for Michael Jackson, to do, to help him through it, as well. :)

That's actually a good way to look at it. :yes: I didn't think of it that way before.:flowers:
I would love to pretend that I would be as gracious and considerate as Michael is. But I know me. Like Linda I would be delaring "what the hell are you looking at? don't you have anything better to do?". When I am interviewed I would give a blank icy stare when asked personal questions.

To be honest, fame is not something that has ever appealed to me and I do not envy those who have always watch what they say, how they look and what they do.
I guess I couldn't cope with it. At one point I would like to be in the spotlight, but then again when everybody is looking at me, I'm turning red and wanna hide :ninja: And I could never cope with the haters. I'm not so strong.