How Would Shia LaBeouf’s Amputated Pinky Affect Transformers 2?

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Dangerous Incorporated


Star is reporting that Shia LaBeouf called Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen producers yesterday, to inform them that he may need to amputate one of his injured fingers. Shia injured his hand in a West Hollywood car accident on July 27th. I’m hearing that LaBeouf’s injury has caused a lot of havoc on the production. I can only imagine if doctors do decide to amputate Shia’s pinky finger, it would probably be impossible to shoot and edit around. Last week Bay was telling reporters that they were trying to figure a way to work it into the story: “His two fingers are pretty mashed,” Bay told Access Hollywood. “But we’re figuring out a way to shoot around it, kind of write it in the story.” But one must remember that Hollywood does not shoot a film in sequential order. I’m not sure how it would be possible to write an injury into the story without major reshoots.

^ eh? what they can't give him fake fingers?

Surely if Hobbit feet can be created and elves ears, they can make him some little fingers :lol:
His pink is NOT being amputated. His rep sent this story to fairytale land.
Remember when Michael Bay issued a statement claiming that Shia LaBeouf’s hand injury would not delay the production of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen? Well he was wrong.
TFW2005 is reporting that the first unit production crew has been put on a four week hiatus. The second unit team will continue on without Shia. For those who don’t know, second unit usually shoots establishing shots, close-ups of objects, cut-aways, basically anything that usually doesn’t require one of the lead actors prominently on screen. Sometimes it is part of an action sequence. Other times it’s just a closeup of a hand opening a door.
Point is, the main photography of Transformers 2 has shut down. Luckily, the film isn’t due out until June 26th of next year, so the loss of a month probably won’t effect the film’s release.