HOW would Michael feel about this?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I can't stop to think what Michael would feel about this..

these children need him so bad!!!

i'M SEVEREly upset

I feel the need to raise awareness about this..
it's a clip from the documentairy saving africa's witch children
please don't watch it ..if you think you can't handle it
this is the right link

the whole documentary in hQ here:

i miss him so much, i know he would feel their pain and would REALLY do something about it!

What would he do?
My heart bleeds...I've written to several organizations, newsstations, obama, talkshows.....but still feel so powerless...
I can't stop to think what Michael would feel about this..

these children need him so bad!!!

i'M SEVEREly upset

I feel the need to raise awareness about this..
it's a clip from the documentairy saving africa's witch children
please don't watch it ..if you think you can't handle it
this is the right link

the whole documentary in hQ here:

i miss him so much, i know he would feel their pain and would REALLY do something about it!

What would he do?
My heart bleeds...I've written to several organizations, newsstations, obama, talkshows.....but still feel so powerless...
I thought about him alot during this too. For some reason, when this all first started, I kept wondering how he would feel and what he would do more then any other "celebrity" humanitarian.

oooooooopsie! Thought this was about the kids in Haiti but based on other comments, apparently it's not. Didn't check the vid before I posted (GUILTY!) and still haven't had time to view it yet and properly comment. :fear:

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i'm sure this doesn't bother bill oreilly.

this is sick. Michael is missed. these 'preachers' are devils, themelves. it's always the children that are the victims. and now, their only true ambassador is gone.

what a horrible world this is. Michael would truly be in pain about this, and do something about it.
He would have helped the victims. I guess he would have raised money whether it be by releasing a song, putting a concert together or using any other useful method.
I think that MJ Estate should support and donate survivors in Haiti !!!!

MJ left 10% for Charity!!!!
Oh God, I know. This documentary was on TV here a few months ago... what the eff. It's sad and downright crazy. And this is 2010! :no:
In many cases charity money wind up going to dictators, rebel gangs, & drug runners and not the needy.
In many cases charity money wind up going to dictators, rebel gangs, & drug runners and not the needy.

It does, it's CRAP.

My Dad's friend used to do a LOT of charity work and he used to go all over the world with truck loads of necessary items/clothes/food etc.

I can't remember which country it was, but a few times he needed to get through the various borders with all these trucks, and men with guns used to fish anything out of the trucks first and keep it for themselves when children and women and the elderly were DYING and those things could have kept them alive.

Is it SICK. People are cold-hearted and mean and selfish and GREEDY!!
That is just terrible. I watched that link you gave last night on youtube and I couldn't get to sleep because I kept thinking about those poor children. Ughh this just makes me so angry. I feel so bad for them. :( And then I watched another vid about that last night that some news people I think it was from good morning America went over there and saw this one girl get burned/"exocised" (sp?). It's just sick. The news people told the Nigerian government but the people that they talked to didn't even care. They just said children with big bellys and wide eyes or somethin' like that are witches. Those poor kids. Their one true ambassador is gone. :no:
I can't stop to think what Michael would feel about this..

these children need him so bad!!!

i'M SEVEREly upset

I feel the need to raise awareness about this..
it's a clip from the documentairy saving africa's witch children
please don't watch it ..if you think you can't handle it
this is the right link

the whole documentary in hQ here:

i miss him so much, i know he would feel their pain and would REALLY do something about it!

What would he do?
My heart bleeds...I've written to several organizations, newsstations, obama, talkshows.....but still feel so powerless...

I feel like you read my mind...when i saw this docu last week on dutch tv i was wondering the very same things. And some images of that docu are playing in my mind all the time. When i saw that little girl calling out for her momy because she couldn't come with her i wanted to pull her out of the screen hand hug her...
I think that MJ Estate should support and donate survivors in Haiti !!!!

MJ left 10% for Charity!!!!

Yes, that is a great idea. Michael would have DEFINATELY helped with Haiti if he were here.

But I don't know if the 20% for charity is for specific organizations or for charity in general.
I think that MJ Estate should support and donate survivors in Haiti !!!!

MJ left 10% for Charity!!!!

Probably they are donating, we just don't know.

@mjfairy, the documentary you posted is so sad, heartbreaking! I wish I could help those kids ... :cry:
I cannot get those kids out of my mind. :no:
Those lyrics came to my mind:

So pray for all the lost children
Let’s pray for all the lost children
Just think of all the lost
children, wishing them well
This is for all the lost children
This one’s for all the lost children
Just think of all the lost children
Wishing them well, and wishing them home
I think that MJ Estate should support and donate survivors in Haiti !!!!

MJ left 10% for Charity!!!!

Actually, 20% of the estate goes to charity. However, we do not know what money the estate has available to handle regular expenses much less charity at this time. But members of the Jackson family themselves are raising awareness of the situation in Haiti and I am sure they have or will be making contributions as well. Charity is not only up to the MJ estate, but all of us around the world have a duty and responsibility to help our fellow man/woman.
i think that those who suggest that MJ should do it, they should do it, instead.

Most people don't have disposable income.

In many cases charity money wind up going to dictators, rebel gangs, & drug runners and not the needy.

Exactly. The only way you even know for sure that you're making a difference is if you fly out there yourself and actually do something. Throwing money at a situation doesn't help.
I did some research on the African 'witch children', the topic originally posted by mjfairy. I heard about this problem before but did not dig deeper. I agree with you, mjfairy, I am very upset too. It reminds me a bit of the female genital mutilation problem.

These are problems that cannot be solved with money alone. What is needed is the right education ... It's heartbreaking what people a can do to their own children ... :cry:

I think raising awareness is very important.
In many cases charity money wind up going to dictators, rebel gangs, & drug runners and not the needy.

but that shouldn't stop us from helping because then all the victims that truly need our help..suffer even more...
I do think actions and deeds, are very necessary...

I wonder if MIchael ever knew about this?
I can't believe this world we are living in....
It does, it's CRAP.

My Dad's friend used to do a LOT of charity work and he used to go all over the world with truck loads of necessary items/clothes/food etc.

I can't remember which country it was, but a few times he needed to get through the various borders with all these trucks, and men with guns used to fish anything out of the trucks first and keep it for themselves when children and women and the elderly were DYING and those things could have kept them alive.

Is it SICK. People are cold-hearted and mean and selfish and GREEDY!!

your dad must be a wonderful man!! I Love charities or organizations that really act!
That is just terrible. I watched that link you gave last night on youtube and I couldn't get to sleep because I kept thinking about those poor children. Ughh this just makes me so angry. I feel so bad for them. :( And then I watched another vid about that last night that some news people I think it was from good morning America went over there and saw this one girl get burned/"exocised" (sp?). It's just sick. The news people told the Nigerian government but the people that they talked to didn't even care. They just said children with big bellys and wide eyes or somethin' like that are witches. Those poor kids. Their one true ambassador is gone. :no:

i'm sorry about that. I have the same thing. You know I can't believe people who are there like newsreporters....make news..and videotape instead of saving that girl! Don't they have a heart... and those people who think those absolute ignorant things...really need major education about this subject...campaigns and prevention ...of these things happening!!!
I did some research on the African 'witch children', the topic originally posted by mjfairy. I heard about this problem before but did not dig deeper. I agree with you, mjfairy, I am very upset too. It reminds me a bit of the female genital mutilation problem.

These are problems that cannot be solved with money alone. What is needed is the right education ... It's heartbreaking what people a can do to their own children ... :cry:

I think raising awareness is very important.

I agree this needs Major exposure on the media and OPRah..

I've written to Obama, OPrah and cnn and such...Maybe the more people do this...they will listen... I can't believe people just shut their eyes for this...
i think that those who suggest that MJ should do it, they should do it, instead.

I agree
we are ambassadors for Michael and it is us who should be bringing awareness and donating in his name _ Remember he said
"I cant do it by myself, Im gonna need some kind of help" If we all pray at the same time" It takes all of us to make a difference

who else but his fans shoud step up and not pass the buck and say it is someone elses responsibility _
"Look in the Mirror" and do what you can for Michael's children of the world br it sreading awarness
or donating yourself what you can.

That is how we the fans keep his charitable legacy alive :wub:
We are his voice now .. It is up to us to do the work so needed
to bring Michaels vision of healing the world to light ...
I did some research on the African 'witch children', the topic originally posted by mjfairy. I heard about this problem before but did not dig deeper. I agree with you, mjfairy, I am very upset too. It reminds me a bit of the female genital mutilation problem.

These are problems that cannot be solved with money alone. What is needed is the right education ... It's heartbreaking what people a can do to their own children ... :cry:

I think raising awareness is very important.

I saw a tvprogramme about africans who used to practise the female genital mutilation changed their mind about it.
Somehow they got education, I think persons from an organisation went to the villages and talked to them.
The woman who did the mutilations saw how the little girls were suffering , maybe they got infections and died and she didn´t want to do it anymore.
Women with small girls didn´t want to hurt their daughters and said no.
It was done with respect for the old men in the villages who was in charge.
They didn´t change over a night, but they did change.
The organisation supported those who were against the mutilations but they didn´t say you have to do this and you are not allowed to do that.

I think thats the way to go with the witch children too.

I´m listening to cry now and I believe Michael wants help from those of us who can donate or help in another way.
Now he sings about the lost children, it fits to the subject too.