How will this is it movie start?

Thats a good question!!!
It might start of with a montage of his past tours and performances...But I dunno, I wanna know the same thing, I guess we have to wait and see:)
Think of Documentary's and you will have your answer maybe... He could welcome us for all we know.
I hope it will start like the concert would have done.

Wanna be starting something - that's a good start.
There might be an introduction by some one then the narating of certain events and his team of musicians, dancers. I do not want to see any AEG spokes person on this..
There might be an introduction by some one then the narating of certain events and his team of musicians, dancers. I do not want to see any AEG spokes person on this..

AEG filmed it, so 100% sure we will see randy in the film
I thought about this the other day. I thought that it would probably start at the 02 with the announcement,then would go on to show the story from there,beginning to end.

From what we've seen allready,the interviews were filmed during the rehersals,not post so im inclined to beleive it will be chronological.
I would have thought with the press conference, because thats how This Is It began...
I'm so excited to see it I wouldn't care if it opened with ten minutes of the flip-flap move! :)
randy said on the radio durin an interview that it would only show footage from the day he had the london press conferance announcing this is it, to the final rehearsal.. nothing before or after..

Yeah, it will probably start with the press conference. Or a trailer type clip with Michael saying "This Is It, This Is It..."
I have a feeling it might start with slow music and be all sad, but I hope not! I think that will come though sometime in the film, if not at the start somewhere else.
I think it will start with Michael and his kids in LAX and then move to the press conferrence and then just as is goes
For some reason, I'd like the press conference to be at the end. I guess starting it with news clips from around the world announcing the O2 concerts. I just hope it won't dwell too much on the fact that he passed away.
Here's how I think it would go, for dramatic effect:

1. MJ at the Press Conference
2. MJ plans and choreographs with Kenny Ortega and the dancers
3. Go over every song we've heard rumored in the movie in the rehearsals
4. Show a large amount of footage from June 24, if it exists
5. Quickly cut to a black screen, then fade into news announcements of cardiac arrest and death
6. Show what has happened since June 25
7. End with commentary from dancers, Orianthi, band, Ortega, Phillips, etc
8. Roll tape of Michael rehearsing "This Is It" while the credits scroll down the screen.
I hope it will start like the concert would have done.

Wanna be starting something - that's a good start.
Actually that would be amazing.

Just a black screen. then...


badoogadoo doo do du don.

lol that'd be perfect.