How well we got to know eachother game...


Proud Member
Jan 28, 2004
Ok, Not sure if this will work...

Just thought i'd test our memories :p We have played the games and asked so many questions I thought it would be fun to see who's brain is like a sponge and remembers things :lol:

So someone posts a question about themselves they think they have answered in a thread before and another poster has to try to remember.

Ok so....

What is my fave dessert? :D

Actually, you might have already gone to bed...

in case, I'm correct...

who is my no. 1 favorite cartoon character?
Yes! (you're too sick to still be up!)

Do you have another question for me?
No I am too sick to be sleeping LOL the coughing keeps me awake :rolleyes2:

Oh yeah oops :blush:

What is my fave flavour soup?
Give me a hard one, Lorraine...come on...


Do I have short hair?
I didn't think it would be that easy :blink:

No you don't, You have had it short and were never happy with it? :lol: I'm sure that's what I remember you saying? lol

Where did I last go on vacation?
Now there's a hard one. Somewhere where you anticipated swimming with dolphins, but it did not work out. But I cannot remember the name of the island. Gah.

So I must leave this question for another....*cries*

(very good. I was always miserable when it was short. two points for you) and a flower: :flowers:
It was Bulgaria :p
I think the answer should be posted if it's not right... or the game wont continue I don't think :lol:

and you didn't ask a question ;) :p
Well, I didn't realize you were gonna work with me here...*laughs*


easy or difficult...hmmm?

What is my favorite tour shirt on MJ?...and why?
Bad tour silver? Just a wild guess, Coz it's mine lol and I have no idea why if I am right :lol:

How many times have I seen MJ in concert?
You are right, that's the shirt...the reason is because it did such a great job accentuating all his movements in his torso area. So it was a good choice by him.

six, you lucky dog.

Do I have any children and if so, how many and what genders?
Woah! you do have a sponge brain :lol: I didn't think someone would remember that LOL!


Yes you do, You have one son :)

What is my fave season? It could be two :p

I do not recall you answering that question, but I'm sure you I will deduce...

Summer, because you love to swim....and, oh dear, fall, no, spring, no, fall, no, spring.

I'll say summer and spring.

What instrument have I played before?
Fall and Spring :p

Um... Piano? Just a guess

what is my fave MJ era?
Nope. I have mentioned three different ones at some point, I think, but the main one would be "drums."

All of them! :p No, you fave is...

Bad Era, Bay Bee!

Do I more frequently call pajamas pj's or jammies?

Why, yes, you have.

Name something I like to have for breakfast.

(Should this thread be renamed "Getting to Know mjsladyinhislife and queen g better?") :lol:
why, No I haven't :lol: wrong! LOL

and I do remember saying in a thread about that too... so I aint just making things up I have never said lol not that I expect everyone to remember every single thing LOL!

Yeah maybe it should? haha!

um... Pancakes? all Americans love Pancakes lol

What is my fave MJ song?
I've been tricked! By my own brazen assumption!

Oh, I bet you are all self-satisfiied now.

*tries to think of a reeeeeeeeeeeeally hard one now*

Oh, sure, I dig pancakes. That will do.

Gonna trap me with more of my assumptions, are ya? You're the Lady of My LIfe? *crosses fingers*

Okay, have I ever been to Europe?
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Correct :D

Yeah I have kids so one would assume :lol: I done it the wrong way round I guess :blink:

I'm sure you have said that you haven't?

Other than in London what other city did I go to see MJ in concert?
Not only have I been to Europe, but I've been to London twice, young lady, I'll have you know! lol.

Here comes a guess big time: Manchester?

We don't know each other very well anymore...what has happened to us! :lol: We were so impressive there for a bit.

What is my favorite type of cheesecake?
Oh you have? what did you think of my not so beautiful city? :lol: Nah JK I love it really :)

I know, we are slacking :bugeyed

I saw him in Paris :p

Well now, again I am going to have to go with what is my fave cheesecake coz well yeah... it's just the best. Strawberry?!!!!!!!!!! :wild:

What is my star sign?
I'm beginning to realize I don't know you at all, in fact, who are you?

My fave is white chocolate and raspberry swirl.

I keep thinking your b-day is in March. that Aries? (don't know horoscope signs too much these days)

I liked London, from what I saw.

Do I prefer Old Hollywood to current day Hollywood?
Aries is correct... and March is correct.

You most definately like Old hollywood better :yes:

Do I have any pets? If so what do I have?
Oh, you think you're so smart. hmmph!

but, correct. :p

Two budgies?

Did I attend college?
yes, but now it's just the one :( I had one die 2 weeks ago.

I will take a guess at this but I would think yes? :)

what is my fave food?
Aw, I am so sorry. I know how that feels. I've lost three now, and one was so very special to me, too. So sad. :(

Good answer. Correct.


Have I ever gone skiing?
I thought this thread would soon die :lol:

I think I recall you saying you had? :)

Where did I swim with Turtles?
I thought this thread would soon die :lol:

Oh my goodness! Is it truly destined to die? :eek:

Did I guess your fave food right? Don't keep me hanging. That's uncool!

CORRECT! *swishes down ski slope*


What is my favorite board game?