How we can support each other and make this better with our thoughts


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

First of all, we have each other. We are not simply any fans - we are Michael Jackson fans. Fans that he loves so dearly. He did everything for us. We made him so strong. We love him.

Know this, Michael Jackson died knowing he was so much loved around the world. His concert sellouts and endless petitions by people around the world to tour in their cities let him know that. He didn't die having to wonder if he was loved. He KNEW it, and knew it so well. And one thing about love......that never dies. Continue to love him, and that love for him will give you strength to go on just as it kept Michael going and motivated.

Life, not always easy, but it's a gift. We are all so lucky to have been given this gift of life, just as we are all so lucky to have known Michael Jackson. There is something you can do. Dance and sing to his songs for eternity, and most importantly, listen to his words and be advocates and examples of all the messages he expresses - nothing would make him prouder.