How was Unbreakable NOT a huge single?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sony really messed up, and I have no idea how Unbreakable was not a HUGE's such an amazing song from Invincible. Didn't MJ want this to be his title track from the album? I'm so mad I didn't get a video from this song >: (.

Granted the track was a bit long, but some snipping here and there would have made this perfect. Really they were sitting on something special with this song...
I feel like crying when I think Michael wanted it to be lead single and it never happened and we will never know how its video would be like.

Michael broke a lot of records and this made Sony forget what music is all about. Music is art and Michael loved art. Like he said in 2002:

"Good art never dies"
I was just thinking about this this morning. Somekind of magic track, seems to give some extra power when world is not on your side. Love it. Awesome track!

But thinking about whole album Invincible. I love every single track on it. Sony screwed it. But yeah: Good art never dies. :)
Invincible was the title track. Why would Unbreakable be?

And Unbreakable would have been huge.
unbreakable is an awesome song, it totally should have been the lead single. yrmw is cool and all, but unbreakable is RAAAWR :woohoo:
You can't believe it, cause I'm Unbreakable and I know...

The only thing is that they needed to cut the intro, and end the song earlier. I made a cut of the song and it is so so so so much better!
What a coincidence! I was late for work this morning researching this very issue, digging into old reviews of Unbreakable. At the time I thought MJ had lost it with his accusations against Sony, but I'm beginning to understand... too late, sadly.
Unbreakable is one of my favourites on the Invincible album! :yes:
It would have been awesome to see a music video of this track or even better to see him perform this live. The coreography and interpretation that he would have done with this song would probably have been amazing!
one of my all time fav mj tracks
yeah a complete f..k up on sonys side but they didnt want it to do well now did they ?
Yeah well $ony f......d up with the whole album really - complete lack of promotion!
This song is genius and I think it would have been such a HUGE hit. The rap is a bit too long for me and I usually skip over it half away through it, haha. But I love this song and it's one of my favorite on Invincible. I bet the video would have been amazing.