How rare... : Aussie "Gone Too Soon" cassette?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
After contacting roughly 150 eBay sellers I finally found an Australian one. Pics added to my last post.

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Re: How rare: Aussie "Gone Too Soon" cassette?

thats not the aussie one. Thats the thai version. The aussie version is in a slip case, and they are both very rare.
Re: How rare: Aussie "Gone Too Soon" cassette?

Really, the one above is definately thai version?

Can I ask then - are there 3 releases with this cover? Aussie, Thai and Malaysian?
Re: How rare: Thai "Gone Too Soon" cassette?

Malaysian version on the right (highlighted in red), Aussie version on the left, Aussie CD in the middle, and no Thai version here (which is in my 1st post) ?
Re: How rare: Thai "Gone Too Soon" cassette?

Another question: is it possible that the Cassette in the 1st post has simply been put in a cassette case? I.e. it's the Aussie slipcase version being kept in a casing.
Re: How rare: Thai "Gone Too Soon" cassette?

I'm interested to know more on these if you can help :)
Re: How rare: Thai "Gone Too Soon" cassette?

hi micky, i meant to put malaysian, but I put thai for some reason, sorry. The one in the plastic case is malaysian, but on closer inspection of the one in your photo, this appears to be the aussie slipcase version just shoved into a cassette case, you can tell by looking at the back of it.... also by the positioning of the text "Gone Too Soon", on the aussie one, the text is all on one line, whereas, the malaysian one is split over 2 lines.

id say the malaysian version is rarer because ive actually never seen that one for sale... but they are both extremely difficult to find - far rarer than the CD version.
Re: How rare: Thai "Gone Too Soon" cassette?

I thought you might have meant Malaysian. Nethertheless I've mass messaged over 100 Malaysian eBay sellers with a big offer if they find the tape :p I've got one so far, and you're right, they are ridiculously rare.
Re: How rare: Thai "Gone Too Soon" cassette?

I thought you might have meant Malaysian. Nethertheless I've mass messaged over 100 Malaysian eBay sellers with a big offer if they find the tape :p I've got one so far, and you're right, they are ridiculously rare.

So when do we get to see your collection mickyj007 - from this thread and many others, it sounds like you have pretty much everything.... ;)
Re: How rare: Thai "Gone Too Soon" cassette?

Still haven't found the Malaysian cassette. It also seems impossible. Will keep looking however!

Edit:found an Aussie one after a ridiculous amount of searching lol it's mint condition.
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The Gone Too Soon Aussie CD is actually on eBay by a French member, for anyone interested.