How much will Michael be making?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Has there been any word on how much MJ will make from the 50 sold-out date?

I heard he will make $50 million from all the dates($10 million every 10 shows).

I also heard that he would ,make around $200 million from this.

Has there been any word on this or any reliable info on how much MJ will make?
I have heard something like that to , but I dont really care ;P/
nothing if bain gets her way lo.l seriously thers been mixed amounts depends on whthehr u do in £ or $ i did a rough guess based on ticket prices and say him getting a 40% for example. think it was around 120 mill $$$ if i rmember right but of course theres tax but also u have money from merchendise aswell to add on and u know those t.shirts wont be cheap lol
nothing if bain gets her way lo.l seriously thers been mixed amounts depends on whthehr u do in £ or $ i did a rough guess based on ticket prices and say him getting a 40% for example. think it was around 120 mill $$$ if i rmember right but of course theres tax but also u have money from merchendise aswell to add on and u know those t.shirts wont be cheap lol

lol, how much do you think they'd charge for a tshirt?
humm dunno. what do u reckon £30? i think it was 40$ at msg that was £26 at the time
id like a hoodie wud look nice in red but i might need to give up a viagogo ticket for that lol
I cant wait for the store to open , i have to get everything so im hoping it isnt too expensive and another thing is gonna be the postage charges.
I reckon merch will be expensive! But hey, at least we have 9 months to get it all. :lol: My bank balance is really suffering here, LOL.
it'll probably be a lot of money. but seriously, why should it matter to anyone of us. michael's finances are not my business
there is no way to total up what Michael will make from this, when you factor in dvd sales coming, merchandise, royalties from merchandise, dvds, cds, viagogo bonus and more, he'll make up to 100 million or more. This is going to be a big money making venture for Michael. The money coming in does not end from when he steps off stage.
So... we have to wait for the "Forbes" list of richest entertainers for 2009..., I expect Michael being at the top.
So... we have to wait for the "Forbes" list of richest entertainers for 2009..., I expect Michael being at the top.
i wouldnt hold your breath frobes arent exactly mjs best friends. hes been on the list about once in 20 years. they just guess what ppl earn or if the celebs got an ego enough to tell them.
i wouldnt hold your breath frobes arent exactly mjs best friends. hes been on the list about once in 20 years. they just guess what ppl earn or if the celebs got an ego enough to tell them.

Also I think if you have a lot of debt like MJ, they count that against your tota learings I think.

In that case MJ will never be on the list, becuase he has 100s of millions in debt.
i doubt they do it that way. every huge finacial business has debt. ppl such as donald trump ect and mj was never on forbes b4 any debts were even reported on. the debt is around 100 mill now not 100's according to reports. and it would staill make no difference when they do the lists of richest celebs (not just what each one earned each year) mjs assets are at least 1.5 billion $ so even if u took 500 mill off in debts hes still worth over a billion yet amazing never gets mentioned on these lists.but then that doesnt fit with the agenda
It isn't really our business but Michael will definitely be earning a lot of money, not from the just the tickets but from all the merchandise, album sales and plus DVD sales if/when the DVD is released.
yeap u gotta add that. maybe not out business but its our money that hes getting so we can still be nosey lol
yeap u gotta add that. maybe not out business but its our money that hes getting so we can still be nosey lol

Hahaha lol, I guess. I think the next 12 months are going to have a lot of goodies for the fans.
For some reason Forbes don't seem to like MJ, he never seems to get put on the list. Who knows though, they could change their mind.
i aiint buying nothing until after i get back lol. my pockets are already tight
yeap u gotta add that. maybe not out business but its our money that hes getting so we can still be nosey lol

in that case, just about every business would have to expose their books, cus a lot of em get ur money. but then it becomes THEIR money. so it don't mean ur gunna get jack ish of their books.
in that case, just about every business would have to expose their books, cus a lot of em get ur money. but then it becomes THEIR money. so it don't mean ur gunna get jack ish of their books.

As an American I now own GM, and I wanna know EVERYTHING!!!:evil:...but then again they aint got jack ish that's why we had to buy it...I own a crappy company :cry:....i need a hug...

On the plus side Mike's makin bank...Make that paper, boy:dancin:
As an American I now own GM, and I wanna know EVERYTHING!!!:evil:...but then again they aint got jack ish that's why we had to buy it...I own a crappy company :cry:....i need a hug...

On the plus side Mike's makin bank...Make that paper, boy:dancin:

welcome to american commerce. once one of the greatest, now...not so much. lol.

except MJ.:D

not only could gm have learned from him, but chrysler could have too. they're on their way down the toilet.
there is no way to total up what Michael will make from this, when you factor in dvd sales coming, merchandise, royalties from merchandise, dvds, cds, viagogo bonus and more, he'll make up to 100 million or more. This is going to be a big money making venture for Michael. The money coming in does not end from when he steps off stage.
:punk: Sounds great.

Shoutout to Mike-Get that money, baby!
in that case, just about every business would have to expose their books, cus a lot of em get ur money. but then it becomes THEIR money. so it don't mean ur gunna get jack ish of their books.
chill its a a joke hence the lol.

s an American I now own GM, and I wanna know EVERYTHING!!!:evil:...but then again they aint got jack ish that's why we had to buy it...I own a crappy company :cry:....i need a hug...
dont worry we own several cappy banks now that were run into the ground by ppl who then left with huge pensions and have now just been given jobs to run other big companies. gotta love the capitalist world
^^^I love the don't worry part....