How much of Brüno movie is staged?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
I saw the Brüno movie (Borat actor) yesterday and me and my mates were cracking up so hard the tears were bursting and we stomped the floor and I think we were the only ones in the theater who laughed so hard...

I just wonder, how much of this movie is staged? Ive wondered if the people being interviewed reactions are real or if they are in on it. Ofcourse if you've seen the trailer, the part where he adopts a child from Africa, ofcourse thats staged.. I just wondered about the rest, if anyone knows.

And when he is chased down the street for example.. If that was staged or if he was really chased.. Some of the situations he put himself through could have ended up killing him because he was really provocing some people. It must have been staged? Im surprised this guy hasnt been injured yet... Not gonna say too many details for those who havent seen it yet. However, if you liked the movie Borat, you are going to love Bruno. Its absolutely hilarious (and disgusting).


He swapped his baby O.J for an iPod in Africa...

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I have no idea! When i went and saw it there were atleast 25 people in the movie theater, and when we left my boyfriend and I were the only ones left in the movie! Everyone else has got up and walked out! I did think some parts were a little over the top but no reason to leave and waste the $8 i paid to get in!!
it was so funny.

"hi, i'm brrruno"

that cracked me up from the beginning

the situations are staged but the peoples reactions are real

of course he didn't adopt a baby from africa, but the reactions of those in the crowd were real.

of course he wasn't making out with his gay lover in the cage, but the reation of those watching them make out was real

i laughed my ass off too!!!

and the charity song at the end ... LMAO!! elton john sitting on a mexican chair!!

ahhhhhhhh so stupid it has to be funny :)
I hate this film, it went to far at points and I got the feeling most of it was fake.

Borat was really good though, so was Ali G :)
This movie was so disgusting and not funny at all...
I didn't even watch it till the end.
I really expected more of it.
ok what am i missing ?? we are discussing if a Movie is staged or not ?? it is a movie, of course it is staged and scripted, acted, directed, produced ...

what am i missing here ??
The military part seemed to be staged. Why would the military let some guy just show up at boot camp like that?

Ron Paul's reaction didn't seem staged - ha ha.

MJJChiChi - the point of Bruno and Borat is to put these outrageous characters into situations with real people (not actors) and to see their real reactions (no script). However, parts of Bruno seemed to be staged, as if the "real people" knew what was going on and how they were supposed to react.