How much is PR, and how much is real?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Now as we all know, MJ is the King at Public Relations and generating publicity and stuff like that.

But when you think about it, how much is just PR, and how much is real with MJ?

Now I am a facts and figures freak. I'm always looking at statistics, number, and stuff on MJ, and I was wondering how much do you think his numbers and achievements are REAL, or just PR from his camp to make him look bigger. Or his charities and stuff of that nature.

But this doesn't only apply to his achievements, also to anything concerning MJ.

What do you think?

I mean he has been doing this since the age of 5. And a lot of people say he is the master at this.
Ive heard rumours that MJs camp is saying Thriller sold more than it did despite still being the biggest selling album ever.

WWE do this saying their attendance numbers are actually higher than it was.

Mike learned from an early age what PR is so I wouldnt be surprised if a lot of what we perceive actually isnt.
i wouldn't be surprised if it's more. the fact that u asked the question throws ur facts for a loop and gives MJ yet another victory. lol. if we go by the logic that MJ is about hype, then, maybe we shouldn't believe that the current top ten is chock full of stuff of which MJ owns the publishing. and we shouldn't believe that the mobs that greet him should be constantly greeting him like that for so many years. so..the saying, 'ur guess is as good as mine' really sticks, here. lol. face it. nobody would believe that MJ could own the current top ten, without even singing a note, or having a song that is his, in it. so, why should we not believe other fantastic stuff about him?

if MJ said that he sold out fifty dates, at the o2, and there was a way for us not to see it. nobody in this thread would believe it. especially after the bad press he has received. even tho it was for no good reason.

everybody would have called it 'hype' and a pr stunt, according to many of the posts seen on this site, about all the other MJ stuff. way MJ could have really owned that first rolls that he and Tatum rolled in. naaaa...that wasn't his. lol..

all those suv's? naaa...dude from da hood couldn't possibly own all those.

now..those rappers could...but not MJ. lol..naaa...

not enough talent. lol can't allow him to keep up this facade, this long. officer..come get him. lol. get him outta that suv. lol:bugeyed
Now as we all know, MJ is the King at Public Relations and generating publicity and stuff like that.

But when you think about it, how much is just PR, and how much is real with MJ?

Now I am a facts and figures freak. I'm always looking at statistics, number, and stuff on MJ, and I was wondering how much do you think his numbers and achievements are REAL, or just PR from his camp to make him look bigger. Or his charities and stuff of that nature.

But this doesn't only apply to his achievements, also to anything concerning MJ.

What do you think?

I mean he has been doing this since the age of 5. And a lot of people say he is the master at this.
I feel that the best way to look at it is to see what exists REGARDLESS to what is PR or what is not.

Maybe it would be best for you to temporarily suspend your fascination for the "facts" and just look at the Truth, instead of "just the facts".

But first, notice the difference between "facts" and "Truth".

Truth, meaning things that "speaks for itself"

"Facts" meaning something that requires dissecting, tabulating and researching etc.

For example regardless to how anyone attempts to 'tabulate' or "research" album sales the Guiness Book achievement speaks for itself.

Or, regardless what is "reported" or possible PR about any positioning on any "charts" or where he stands in the court of public opinion, the Truth is, Michael Jackson is thought of as "THE MAN" by anyone you will ever talk with about song, dance and storytelling through film,


Because, regardless to what the "facts" are as far as how "well received" this, that or the other project is that he has ever done or ever will do, the Truth is, that he started it ALL in terms of the "STANDARD" that created a new "standard" which everyone is now trying to reach ... and nobody can ever not know that, so it speaks for itself.

shouldn't that kind of thing be all that matters ... ? :scratch:

Whatever hand he's played in his own PR, is his job to do, afterall, he, like every other business person has "marketing and promotion" in their list of duties. Sometimes PR moves work great - sometimes they don't.

I guess i don't see where it matters - - where it matters. It only seems to "matter" where in "fact" (and in truth lol) it really doesn't, imho. iow, What difference does it make :mello:

The "facts" don't change the "Truth" regardless what the "facts" are. oh well ... interesting question I guess ..

*leaves "MJ break" and goes back to minding own business*
or maybe it's just the human element. why should we believe the WWE hype? is it hype? maybe Vince McMahon really is that successful.

maybe a human being really can have the talent to make a multi ton plane fly. maybe a human being CAN have the success that some may believe a human being cannot possibly have.
I think I know that MJ has accived more than anyone else. He has helped people all over the world. He gave a voice to the voiceless, he truely care about children, the dying and the sick people, he has always taked time to meet sick people, he has visitet hospitales - MOST the times the media don't know he does it, so that's truely not PR but charity and love.

I don't care really if Thriller sold 60, 70 or 104 or 108 million copies - it's not what's the most important to me.

He has no doubt sold more copies than anyone else, he has always made great music. He is a great entertainer, performer, songwriter, producer, singer, etc. ect. - you name it.

He is a the King of Pop. - loved by millions of fans from all around the world - That's what matters!
Ive heard rumours that MJs camp is saying Thriller sold more than it did despite still being the biggest selling album ever.

This is true.

In the Guinness Book of World Records 2007 it states that official sales figures show Thriller as having sold somewhere around 60million copies, but MJ's team claim it has sold 104million copies.