How much is food and drink in california??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
UK, England
Hi there, i have a question for those of you who reside in Cali as im thinking of going on holiday there in april/may time

I would like to know how much is average supermarket food? and bottles of beer in supermarkets and bars?

Jackie xxx:cheeky:
I don't live in Cali.. but I do know after you convert your Sterling to Dollars..U will get alot more dollars.. U will probably pay half the price of what you pay here.. Less then half, my guess. I know when I go home to Ireland.. Food and drink is more then double what it costs here.. Eg. Pringles are 3Euro.... and are $1 here.. less on sale.. lol
i don't live in cali but i can tell you compared to other states here everything is more expensive LOL

since no ones responded yet you may want to try googling grocery stores and the area in cali u plan to visit. They may have their prices online and you can look everything up there.

also if no one responds here, there's a great forum called that has all that info... when i moved to NH it was such a valuable tool for me that I visited almost every day...
Von's and Ralph's are 2 big grocery store chains in Cali. I lived in San Diego for 18 yrs and frequented them regularly. They have weekly sale ads online, so here's one for this week (Jan 19th-Jan24th approx). There's many pages of prices you can scan through to get an idea. Generally speaking regional fresh produce is quite reasonable. Plus, there's Mexican fast food and sit down restaurants everywhere, usually a ton of food at rock bottom prices.

Check out this ad for ideas on prices: type in San Diego Ca and just pick any store listed for the latest sale ads.
I moved here from Missouri and everything is considerably higher. I like the area better but I most certainly miss the prices of home. Everything is a good 2-5 dollars higher it seems.
And it CERTAINLY depends on where you go!

Like Vons seems cheap enough... I forgot how much I paid for groceries cause I didn't get alot... I think I got like half a dozen bagels for like 3 dollars... I think a pound of ground beef is like 6 dollars...

It's been 6 months since I left california, but I did notice a MAJOR difference between the local Vons (In downtown LA) and the Wallmart in the Glendale mall.